My new Naidas have three manual program options plus the default automatic one. I have one manual program set for music, another for T-Coil, and the third is a mute, I am at a quagmire about how to have the audi configure the last manual program for me. Any suggestions?
My second question is related to my perception that the "voice" of another person in a mildly noisy place like a resturant sounds a bit tinny. I understand the voice much better than in the past whereas before I would not have been have been able to. The automatic compression feature might be the culprit here. I am thinking this is the "state of the art" now where the voice of a person speaking may be understood but somewhat altered compared to hearing the same voice in a static quiet environment. Is this a correct perception?
Thanks all,
Richard fr Monterey
bilateral sensorineural moderate to profound sloping loss
L 250 35 R 250 40
L 500 65 R 500 50
L 1K 75 R 1K 90
L 2K 85 R 2K 85
L 4K 85 R 4K 90
L 8K 90 R 8K 90
Naida 5 UP ICom TVlink Platronic Voyager 500A
My second question is related to my perception that the "voice" of another person in a mildly noisy place like a resturant sounds a bit tinny. I understand the voice much better than in the past whereas before I would not have been have been able to. The automatic compression feature might be the culprit here. I am thinking this is the "state of the art" now where the voice of a person speaking may be understood but somewhat altered compared to hearing the same voice in a static quiet environment. Is this a correct perception?
Thanks all,
Richard fr Monterey
bilateral sensorineural moderate to profound sloping loss
L 250 35 R 250 40
L 500 65 R 500 50
L 1K 75 R 1K 90
L 2K 85 R 2K 85
L 4K 85 R 4K 90
L 8K 90 R 8K 90
Naida 5 UP ICom TVlink Platronic Voyager 500A