Phonak Naida V or IX


New Member
Jun 28, 2010
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I am wearing the Siemens Centra SP now. I felt it's uncomfortable with the sound.

What should i choose the Phonak Naida V UP or IX SP? Why?
I knows that Phonak Naida IX SP is more channels than 16. What are the difference?

There is a whole truckload of information on this site about the Naidas, so try doing some searches and see what you can dig up. Many of us wear them and are generally happy with their performance, but they have some issues with reliability. I wear the SP V. I like them very much and have never had a major problem with them. The Xs have more channels are more features, but as far as amplification and sound quality, I think they are relatively the same as the V. So it really depends on your hearing loss and if you will benefit from the extra features.

What is your audiogram like?
My right ear is moderation to severe. and left ear is severe to profound severe.
the IX has more features than the V... IX has echo-block, zoom-control, sound relax, etc. It's up to you to decide if you want all the bonus features that the IX offers, or if the V will be just fine. I'm sure the IX costs more than the V, so keep that in mind too.

Nada - Overview | Phonak - life is on
there's the info on the Naida line
IX are really good hearing aids if you are able to buy them, and very patient to go in for several adjustments...

Been wearing hearing aids for 30yrs and the nadia IX are the best hearing aids I have had so far...I have a bilateral moderate to severe hearing loss.

i am wearing the IX SP
I was gonna get the IX's ...until i saw the price tag ..and decided the V's would be fine ..the naidas do require more trips to the audi tho as they are different than regular hearing aids since they have transposition