petting a fish

My ex once brought in some fish from a fishing trip for the dreaded cleaning! He threw one in the sink and asked me to touch it. I reluctantly poked it and it flipped onto the kitchen floor! I backed away and it was still like flipping towards me. I freaked out and kicked the poor thing dead into the pot rack! :shock::laugh2:

:hmm: *Adding fish alongside nuts to my repertoire* :thumb:
Ouch. Poor fishy!!! The firt time my fiance tried to clean the Oscar fish tank. First they bit his fingers cuz they didnt know my fiance. Then when he was trying to move some stuff one of them jumped and well trying to resue the fish, my fiance ended up stepping on iy.
My ex once brought in some fish from a fishing trip for the dreaded cleaning! He threw one in the sink and asked me to touch it. I reluctantly poked it and it flipped onto the kitchen floor! I backed away and it was still like flipping towards me. I freaked out and kicked the poor thing dead into the pot rack! :shock::laugh2:

:hmm: *Adding fish alongside nuts to my repertoire* :thumb:

was it a catfish? Those things can live for awhile out of the water ... I'll take ya cat fishing one of these days hows that ;)
When we lived in NH we had 3 red bellied piranha about as big as hand.....I would soooo not try to pet them. My exhusband used to reach his hands in there all the time to move stuff around or wipe off the glass. I couldn't watch, I'd cover my eyes everytime.
My ex once brought in some fish from a fishing trip for the dreaded cleaning! He threw one in the sink and asked me to touch it. I reluctantly poked it and it flipped onto the kitchen floor! I backed away and it was still like flipping towards me. I freaked out and kicked the poor thing dead into the pot rack! :shock::laugh2:

:hmm: *Adding fish alongside nuts to my repertoire* :thumb:

:laugh2: Fish-kicker.

I don't typically go petting fish.... I pet kitty cats instead, they're much more fun to pet. :D
If i am right....which i might not. You need a group of 5 pirhanas so they try to bite you. Of not well they will be freakong out about your hand been there. I could be wrong thought.
If i am right....which i might not. You need a group of 5 pirhanas so they try to bite you. Of not well they will be freakong out about your hand been there. I could be wrong thought.

I have noooo idea, you could be right, they never bit him. They bit/ate a lot of other things though. My exhusband and stepson both tried putting other things in there, dumbasses. My ex bought a $40 tiny blue lobster, they are it. He bought an eel and had to take it back the next day because one of them bit a big chunk out of. There was a snail in there for a long time, they eventually got it.

My stepson caught a fish at a pond and brought it over and stuck it in there when my ex was out of town. He decided to keep it. Not even half and hour late all of a sudden my apartment reeked of pond so I check on the tank. Yep they eaten the whole underbelly but it was still alive, gasping with all it's organs exposed. I had to fish it out with the net, flipping all over half eaten, and take it out to the dumpster. Thanks Shawn, that was freakin awesome. :/

Then my stepson brings over his turtle, something happened to its tank at his moms so he wanted to put it on ours while he waited to get a new one. I'm like "Shawn, they're going to get him". Him and my ex are all "oh he'll be fine he had his little floating island he'll hardly be in the water." One of them bit one his legs off. *sigh* THEN the stepsons mom, my ex's ex lol, cones over to pick him up and I show her the turtle and she's all "will it grow back!?!?" What? It's not a damn star fish. I stg stupid people make nuts.

So yeah, I was pretty much you are freaking crazy every time he reached his hand in there. They were kind of pretty though. They're mouths are smaller and not as scarey looking as the other kind if piranha, I forget whe they're called.
The only fish i have seen ben "successful" with piranhas are oscars but then the piranhas would have to be overfed so they wouldn't go eat the other fish. But egen lile that sometimes they just go for it either way. I have seen othet "successes" but at some point it juat well doesnt work anymore.
The only fish i have seen ben "successful" with piranhas are oscars but then the piranhas would have to be overfed so they wouldn't go eat the other fish. But egen lile that sometimes they just go for it either way. I have seen othet "successes" but at some point it juat well doesnt work anymore.

Funny, an Oscar, big ass ugly beat up thing, was what was in the 55 gallon tank when we got. Those are mean suckers and will bite your finger off too. It was waaaay bigger than the piranhas ever got, and seeing as how they're both such bad ass species I can see how that might work. We fed them a dozen medium sized gold fish every week. My ex would only reach his hand in there if we'd fed them recently. Apparently they only do that strip an animal to the bone in 5 seconds when the Amazon goes from it's bloated rainy season state to it's smaller dry season state and they get separated from the river and are starving. We had to get rid of them before we moved to SC because Brad thought they were illegal there.
Yeah. The oscars my grandma has allowed for her and me to out our hands inside. By now they have gotten used to ny fiance but they sont let him pet them. And yeah its true if you have just fed them its likely you will be fine.