Pets Questions: {Pet Owners}


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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Please quote each questions with your answers, so it would be understood clearly. Thanks! ;) Answer the questions honestly as the best as your knowledge...Thanks again! ;)

Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups?

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household?

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet?

{For dog owners} Does your dog go outside on a leash or without a leash? Explain your reasons if without a leash.

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both?

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question.

How often does your pet see a vet?

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate?

{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter?

Have you had your pet spay and neutering?

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?
Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?

Yes, two dogs - Golden Receiver X called Toby and Maltese Shituz X terrier called Emma

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?


Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups?

Yes - but it is every two years instead for vaccines shots.

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?

EEewww - I have heard a tightwad housewife making a meat pie out of dog tin to spite their deadbeat hubby in revenge LOL

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.

Emma is frightened of mouse trap and won't come near to the place where it is held! She knows it is out there!!

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?

I would try to trace where this owner comes from, and/or write down his car number plate if he is driving afterward or so? - and will report to the RSCPA.

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household?

Yes up to 3 dogs and 3 cats, if I want more, we must asked Council for their permit first.

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet?

I fed Toby cheap brand because he likes to eat ANYTHING off our dinner plates, and my terrier is fussy eater, and I buy him reasonable brand and sometimes expensive brand in sale price.

{For dog owners} Does your dog go outside on a leash or without a leash? Explain your reasons if without a leash.

Leash, otherwise I will get a fine (I think so?)

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both?
No cat here, in the past they were outdoor cats.

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question.


How often does your pet see a vet?

Once every 2 years for vaccine shots, the last time I took my dog Toby to the vet because he ate a small fish from the fishing rod, and the hook attached his mouth, I tried to take it off myself, but he couldn't keep still, so I took him to the vet to put him to a deep sleep and take it out, I wasn't happy with my fishing mate, he took my rod out of my boat and left it in the front yard!!!!!

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate?

Never - I heard that Hearing Dogs put in crate if Deaf People don't want to take the dogs with them, and I went to Adelaide's Hearing Dog's to see myself how its works and asked them questions, they said it is not cruel and it is kinder way to let the hearing dogs to know their duty is off and lock up in crate to stop them worried if the phone is ringing while the Deaf Owner is out etc!!

{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter?

Have you had your pet spay and neutering?

My dog Toby had his fixed, and Emma - not yet I would like to see her having puppies one day?

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?

Toby loves his rug, and Emma loves squeky toys especially small balls for her to carry around with her small mouth!
Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?
Yes, I have 2... one dog; Jack Russell
1 cat; Orange Talley

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?

I would be a Monkey

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups?

Yes I have a vet.. where I work now. My dog is up to date for his canine annually. My cat is behind right now and soon take her for check ups too

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?

I don't agree that people eat dog meat since most dogs are pets.

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.

I don't recall my dog being afraid of anything.. he's a little devil. my cat is afraid of vacuum cleaners and too many children in the house.

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?

I'd call the law for animal cruelty and possibly try to stop them.

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household?

Not that I know of in my state.. that's a good question

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet?

Yes since the day they were born.. my dog stays with puppy chow but now its time to change to Dog chow. my cat stays with Meow Mix. nothing has changed since then.

{For dog owners} Does your dog go outside on a leash or without a leash? Explain your reasons if without a leash.

My dog is one hyper little creature.. so I have to put him on a leash when I take him out to use the potty or else he'd run off. In my state.. by law.. all dogs must be on a leash if there's no fence

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both? My cat is an inside cat

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question.

No I've never been charged with animal cruelty but been sent to court due to my dog biting a neighbor. I won because I had a fence yard and my dog (different one) was on my property and the neighbor came to my yard and was trying to give him a treat and my dog jumped and bit her nose. So as long as it was in my yard and inside the fence.. I'm okay.. the neighbor had no right to come to my yard.

How often does your pet see a vet? Yearly

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate?

Yes that's for SURE!!!! Like I said my dog is h y p e r!!!

{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter? umm...I'm too lazy to change the liter everyday so maybe every 3 to 4 days *ducks*

Have you had your pet spay and neutering? No not yet but the Vet Dr recommended to have my dog neutered because of his hyperness.

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with? He loves frisbee, tennis ball, the bottom of our pants.. ( loves to chase us), and steals our food from the counter.....
Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?
1 Cat

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?
Cat I guess

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups?
My cat goes to a local vet not far from my home and she is up to date with all her yearly shots along with her checkup.

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?
Its not very nice at all. I think they are a very low minded people.

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.
My cat doesn't like loud noise or anything that is noisy. She will disappear when I use my hoover.
Last year, we had a guy putting an air conditioner in our house. This guy was using a drill to drill through a wall for a pipe to go through. Before the drilling, my cat was sleeping on our bed quite comfortable, when the drilling start, she bolted out the door to hide outside.

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?
Contact the animal welfare group to report that person.

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household?
Here we are allow to have 2 dogs. I am not sure about cats.

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet?
Yes we do. We did tried out many different brands to see if she like it but she only like just one brand.

{For dog owners} Does your dog go outside on a leash or without a leash? Explain your reasons if without a leash.

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both?
Both. Outdoor during the day mostly and night time, she is indoor.

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question.

How often does your pet see a vet?
Every year for her shots.

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate?

{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter?
She rarely use it but we do have a litter tray inside for her if she need to use it during the night. We clean it after she does use it.

Have you had your pet spay and neutering?

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?
We have brought her some toys but she is never keen on it. She likes to catch live thing like coachroaches, mice and anything that moves. That's her toys. :ugh3:
Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?

Yes, I have 4 cats.
One is 20 years old tabby Sussi
second is 2 years old mixed color black/ginger/cream Kim
Third is Kim's 7 months old daughter Flecky - mixed blue Russian after her father and few cream on her head to face after her mother.
Fourth is Kim's 7 months old daughter Blacky - fully black with yellow eyes.

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?


Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups?

Well, my 20 years old Sussi haven't check for routine vaccines shots for over 10 years. She is fit and health cat...
I have 3 cats shot at few weeks ago. It's Kim's second vaccine shot and then will be her last. 2 cats will have one more shot then last time... Why? Because I noticed that many cats live short after year or 2 years shots... I only bring cats to the vet for any emergencies. The vet is totally surprised that Sussi is still alive because she thought Sussi died because I haven't visit the Vet for over 10 years until I found Kim at 2 years ago.... She want to see Sussi... I did... She is speechless :eek3: and said to me that no shots necassary for Sussi...

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?

ewww... :ugh3: I ate it once at party at long time ago... :ugh3: They cover my eyes with mask and test 4 different foods to see if I taste correct or not... I taste 3 correct until last one... what this? What this....???? They removed mask from my eyes and saw dog food.... :eek3:

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.

Sussi scare of vaccum or loud noise...
Kim scared of men...
Kim's 2 daughters... really nothing... tooooo friendly....

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?

I would notify their car liecsne number and find out where they live then report police and RSPCA.

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household?


Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet?

3 different pet brand of foods since they are kittens.

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both?

I would say both... My all cats are indoor pet mostly than outdoor. They are only stay outside in my property when we are around... When we go in then they go in.

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question.

No, I have no experience for being charge for cruel animal or disown pet law.

How often does your pet see a vet?

Only if necassary/emergency.

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate?

No, I leave cats everywhere but shut every room door... Just one open door for basement room (cat's room - climbing post...) few scratch posts on each basement, ground floor and upstair floor... up to upstair... They loves to sleep window sill at kitchen... or kitchen chair...

{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter?


Have you had your pet spay and neutering?

Yes already with Sussi & Kim... We will fix 2 kittens after New Year.

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?

Sussi lost interesting now... She is too old and sleep alot...

Kim loves to chew old slipper, play with silver folie (I made it from silver folie to balls), old wools, old toys, cupboard. No wonder, her 2 daughters follow their mother's rules... :D
Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?
One-Pure breed Jack Russell-Tahoe is her name ;)

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?
ummm Eagle I guess since I could fly all over and soaring around. That's soo freedom! 2nd choice would be a monkey. I could be silly if I want to. :giggle:

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups? Yes but she will have her shots soon. Then done for 2 years I think. I will double check with vet anyway.

What do you think about people that eat dog meat? NO! GROSS!

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.
Yes, vaccum and hair dryer! she would attack them! LOL!

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?
I would call the cops on them. I don't give a damn! I cherish animals

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household? Not too sure...I would have to check on that.

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet? Just Purnia brand. She eat Bentful (sp) and she loved them. I refused give her canned food..I don't want to smell her fart! EWW!

{For dog owners} Does your dog go outside on a leash or without a leash? Explain your reasons if without a leash. Leash is a must! She would run off and I have to chase her. UGH!

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both? No cats

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question. NO

How often does your pet see a vet? For follow up check up, I think annually but sometimes I would call in if she get sick or needed to check on.

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate? I used to when she was a puppy but now she is full trained and she does really well without crate. :)

{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter? No cat so no comment.

Have you had your pet spay and neutering? We will have her spay when we have extra money. And also put her in a micorchip as well. More and more laws require that.

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with? her squeaky toys, stuffed animals, some of Tyler's toys, our bottom of pant (once a while, she does that all the time when she was a puppy).

One more thing...she is soo SNEAKY! If I leave a plate of food on table or counter she would steal them! I have to put the plate high like on micowave or stove, she won't steal it!

Her tricks- friends (shake hand), sit, stay, sit and wait for her treat after she is done with her business, give me kisses (sometimes she will give me kisses but most of the time she won't)

know word "potty or have to go", ready for bed?, Do you want a treat? She HATES camera!!! She know and she'll give me a look or snotty! Smart ass dog! :lol:
One more thing...she is soo SNEAKY! If I leave a plate of food on table or counter she would steal them! I have to put the plate high like on micowave or stove, she won't steal it!

Thank you for remind me...

That's Kim and her 2 daughters do like that... :cool:

Her 2 daughters took foods from kitchen table REAL FAST - I would say few seconds... :eek3:

Something like that I get sausage from fridge to put on the plate and was about to get saucepan to fill the water but 2 cats jumped to kitchen table and crabbed sausage real fast... It's really funny to see them carry with long sausage on their mouths and ran back to basement... I tried to take pictures of them but bad luck...

Sussi & Kim jumped and sneak when I open tuna... she is CRAZY... I gave tuna or Salmon to her for birthday, Xmas, Easter & Halloween treat. I treat all the cats the same...

Kim is too stubborn and bother us at meal time... beg us to give her some... We gave her overleft foods...

I leave any meats in the fridge until I prepare then get meat straight to saucepan... frying pan....
Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?
4 kittens, 2 adults cats and two bulldogs

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?
Don't know If I wanna be... but I feed love to fly away and seeing surrodings around the world.

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups?
Yea, Depends Vet's sheduled vaccines

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?
*cough* No hell way!

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.
Rogue just kept constantly barking the vacumming.
Bruiser dislike hear sound coming from Garage *whirrrrrrrrr* itself closing/open. he tends duck down lower.
4 kittens aren't afraid but have not made compelte yet.
Smokey hate quiet and sneaky *Boo loud* he'll jump high enough.. (chuckels) Pepe hate hear *screaming* anything If she attempt steal anything.. do you know what pepe heard me *screaming* she escape.. that she afraid still obbsesion! Next time, I have to careful and sneaky....*pop up* will scream at her... (chuckles)

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?
Shovel their ass up! I wud love to but rather call the police.

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household?
Keep quiet (chuckles) I couldn't help.. I'm animal lover.. (chuckles) All our family loves to seeing animal so funny and feel loved petting them. Yes, Accord the law must limit 2 animal in per household. If you're living rural (outskirt area) anything you want more pets.

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet?
Yes, I had been stick it for long time until become over 3 yrs old and decide to different brand... become love it... unless make sure their stool is good if very bad soft dirrerha and must go back orginal pet's food.

{For dog owners} Does your dog go outside on a leash or without a leash? Explain your reasons if without a leash.
For my two bulldogs, yes requires out for walk. Due by the city/town law. Espically Rogue can handle without leash and very good obeince but no choice and have to follow the by law to require wear leash. Bruiser must have leash all the time and tend escape and run roam because he born used to be living rural country and loved run roam.

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both?
2 Adult Cats loves outdoor mostly stayed my property complex (sitting and staring) Espically 4 kittens are not going outdoor and prefer stayed indoor.

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question.
I have not gone charge by animal cruelty! I'm very good care and loving animal pets. :D

How often does your pet see a vet?
Average 6mos-1 years depends vet's sheduled following

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate?
Yes, I do have 2 crate for my two bulldogs reason to prevent
Bruiser and Rogue are crazy fight each together no reason attack! Weird Bulldogs LOL while I'm not home.. Depends your pet can tend be housebroken and put your dog in the crate while you're not home.. I'm experience breeder know it everything but not mean I've read it awful lot about different vary dogs tend to housebroken. *Depends Dogs' personalities*

{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter?
2nd each days and clean it up. Reason I have mult-cats and requires clean cat litter 2nd days. (once in two days)

Have you had your pet spay and neutering?
My pets have not gone neutering.. I should have them fixed! reason I'm afraid have them more popluation cats in my house!:giggle:

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?
Rogue loves sleephead their favorite toy as same Bruiser too.
Pepe loves to play paper crinkles.
Smokey loves to play their fur-children.
4 furkids loves to play EVERYTHING objects but not toy! (Tired of Bulldog salute moved direction another side. I had to bulldog salute move it back where it was.)
Thank you for remind me...

That's Kim and her 2 daughters do like that... :cool:

Her 2 daughters took foods from kitchen table REAL FAST - I would say few seconds... :eek3:

Something like that I get sausage from fridge to put on the plate and was about to get saucepan to fill the water but 2 cats jumped to kitchen table and crabbed sausage real fast... It's really funny to see them carry with long sausage on their mouths and ran back to basement... I tried to take pictures of them but bad luck...

Sussi & Kim jumped and sneak when I open tuna... she is CRAZY... I gave tuna or Salmon to her for birthday, Xmas, Easter & Halloween treat. I treat all the cats the same...

Kim is too stubborn and bother us at meal time... beg us to give her some... We gave her overleft foods...

I leave any meats in the fridge until I prepare then get meat straight to saucepan... frying pan....

You're not alone.. so am I...
Tired of 2 Adults Cats and 4 kitten are bothering us while we are eating our the meals... when done.. *scrape leftover off* Rest of them globbering eating so fast... LOL :giggle:

Pepe tends jump on the high kitchen counter and steal the food... she knew hate my voice.. so freaky scared of me.. LOL *scream* I kept scold'em not allowed on the top counter but Pepe quite stubborn ever! Guess what,
4 furkids follow and look up for mother.. Rest of them are walking on the top counter.. *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*
I *scream them* furkids jumped out of the kitchen counter.. :giggle: Only my word say.. "OUT" Rest of them understand word "OUT" means not allowed any top of counter includes Dining Table too.
Thanks guys for your answers, I found your answers very interesting and getting the knowledge about you as a pet owner.

GalaxyAngel, I cannot help but laugh at some of your responds so damn funni! :rofl: about the comment on shoveling up their ass if you saw someone beating a pet on the street. Lol! And about knowing your limited laws on how many animals that you're allow to keep in your household. Man I had a good laugh at that. Lol!
Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?

Yes, I have six cats, a rabbit and two love birds

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?

A cat :hiss:

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups?


What do you think about people that eat dog meat?

I'm totally against people who eat dog or cat meat because it's brutal killing and animal cruel..Dogs and cats are pets and they have emotions and feelings and should never be used as " food " period..

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.

All my 6 cats are afraid of vacuum cleaners and when there are too many children around , my birds are scare of my cats ...

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?

First, I'll try to stop it, then call the animal protection center or the police,<< depends on the situation

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household?

Most cities in Ohio restrict residents to own two or three dogs per household, not counting puppies less than a certain age, usually eight weeks to four months or so and for cats I'm not so sure :dunno:

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet?

No, sometimes my cats will be put on a special diet, and for that, we did change food, it's depends on what our vet tell us to feed them...but normally they re stick with the same food which I feed them lams adult/kitten food

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both?

All my six cats are indoor pets

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question.


How often does your pet see a vet?

My two oldest cats are seen by the vet every once a year, and my four kittens are seen by the vet often whatever their shots needs to be updated or etc

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate?


{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter?

every week , sometimes every other day...

Have you had your pet spay and neutering?

My oldest is but not my kittens or their mother yet

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?

My kittens play with anything really there's no fave toys, but my oldest cat doesn't, all she does is sleep :giggle:
Ok, Here comes my answers.....;)

Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?
Yes, I have one a male yorkie mix

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?
a monkey just like Rebelgirl!

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups?
Yep, My dog, Charlie is up to date and his appointments are every two weeks since he's a puppy still..

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?
I don't like the idea of people eating dog meat, because I happen to be a pet lover, sometimes I wondered if those chinese restaurant cook dogs...

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.
Yep, my dog is afraid of vaccum cleaner and balloons, whenever I vaccum he would ran into a place to hide, if my son playing with a balloon, my dog would run away from the balloon, don't ask why I never firgured it out why he was so afraid of balloons...Lol!

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?
Honestly, I would kick someone's ass if I've caught them beating up animals out in the street or anywhere else, Beware of Cheri...Seriously, I would call the police and animal protection

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household?I think limited two I could be wrong...I'll have to find that out soon. ;)

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet?
Yep, from that day I brought him, I asked the previous owner what he was eating and stick with the same brand.

{For dog owners} Does your dog go outside on a leash or without a leash? Explain your reasons if without a leash.
Yes my dog goes outside with a leash at all times, because it's the law in my City of Cleveland.

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question.
Nope, never had.

How often does your pet see a vet?
Every two weeks
When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate?
Yes a must because he isn't housebroken yet, and plus I don't want him chewing on the wrong things that he isn't suppose to be chewing on.

Have you had your pet spay and neutering?
Not yet, he still a puppy right now when it is time for him to get fixed, I will. ;)

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?
He's favorite is the ball and his beddie, he would barked at it, even played with it...and even his little teddy bear he would dragged it around and tried to buried it under the couch. Lol!
Please quote each questions with your answers, so it would be understood clearly. Thanks! Answer the questions honestly as the best as your knowledge...Thanks again!

Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?
Yes, I have 2 BIG T-REXS (Copper is 10 years old, Australia Shepherd/Dingo mixed. Frankie is 10 months old Golden Retriever/Yellow Lab mixed)

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?
Rottweiler (the bitch, I mean the female)

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups?
Yes, For Frankie, he will have another shots in Feb and rabies follow up too. Copper get rabies shots every 2 years. But Copper go back every 6 months for physical check ups, he got tumor growth.

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?
I am totally against peopel who eat dog meats. That's sick!!

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.
Copper and Frankie are afraid of gunshots, but otherwise, they are not afraid of nothing.

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?
I would pull over and punch the people who beat animal up and call 9-1-1.

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household?
Yes, in where I live, 2 large dogs are limit in the city by law and require dog tax tag on animals' collar. In country, I think the limit is on depending how big or small you want.

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet?
When they were puppies, I feed them Puppy Chow. Then switched to Kibble-n-Bit, their vet doctor said they were overweight, I switched to Beneful (Purina), it had healthy menus.

{For dog owners} Does your dog go outside on a leash or without a leash? Explain your reasons if without a leash.
We have cable leash for them when they go outside for potty or just want to stay outside. When we go for walk, they must be on leash.

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both?


Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question.
Me? NEVER hurt them.. They are like my kids..

How often does your pet see a vet?
Often.. My next door neighbor is a vet doctor!

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate?
If weather is raining, I put them in the basement
If the weather is really cold, I put them in the basement
Beautiful and warm and hot outside, I tied them up on cable rope and let them play and dig, etc, but I check them on my lunch hour from work.
They are both potty trained...

{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter?

Have you had your pet spay and neutering?
Yes, Both are snipped!

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?
They raided Kyler's (my son) toys all the time... But I have toys for them to play with, ball, chewing toys, etc.. And in summer time, they LOVES to get wet, and swimming in the lake, river or pond. :)

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?

ewww... :ugh3: I ate it once at party at long time ago... :ugh3: They cover my eyes with mask and test 4 different foods to see if I taste correct or not... I taste 3 correct until last one... what this? What this....???? They removed mask from my eyes and saw dog food.... :eek3:


I misunderstand your post... I thought you talk about canned dog food...

that what you talking about dog´s meat... Ohhh nooooo I never eat dog´s meat in my life... but canned dog food... :Oocps:
1 cat he is calico and tabby cat. His name is Furby, he is about 5 yrs old. He is spoiled rotten cat!
1 Dog she is part wolf, part akita ,part bull mastiff. Mostly look like Wolf, she sweet gentle dog. She is beautiful dog. Her name is Kujo. She is about 11 yrs old.

I would never eat the dog's meat, never in my whole life. Yuck!! I have seen someone eat it. Eww!!

My cat is fixed and my dog is fixed. They do go to vet for check up.

My cat is indoor cat, cause he don't have clawed. My dog is outdoor. She like outside.

My cat is afraid of nothing. Vaccuum cleaner does not bother him. I did vaccuum his hair he like it. My dog is afraid of ELK.

That is all I know of it.
Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?
We have a bunch....we have 5 fish, 4 rats and 3 mice.

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?
I don't know!

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups?
Yes we take our rats to the vet if they need health attention

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?
I think it's cruel because we believe dogs are pets, not for food.

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.
Yes, our mice...they are afraid of us holding them, they're just skittish little critters.

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?
Report it to the cops

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household? Yes, one cat and one dog. I don't know about how many small animals limit in this apartment, though.

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet? no....I find the right pet food that's proper for our rats, mice and fish

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question. never...I would never hurt the animals

How often does your pet see a vet? only for health exams, if needed

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate? No...they're in the aquariums or cages

Have you had your pet spay and neutering?
Nope..the rats aren't fixed, nor the mice are...they're the way they are.

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?
Toliet paper rolls, wood pieces for the mice and rats. The fish...none
Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they? Yes one - Hound Mix, his name is Smokie.

If you could be any pets, which one would you be? Birds

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups? Yes and Smokie usually goes every 6 months

What do you think about people that eat dog meat? I really don't like to hear that....!!

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may. Yes, Smokie hates vaccum cleaner, hair dryer, my sidekick (don't ask me why! lol)

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street? I would call cops on them because it is not right to do that.

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household? I don't have any idea, I have to check on that.

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet? Yes since I got Smokie from the adoption place.

{For dog owners} Does your dog go outside on a leash or without a leash? Explain your reasons if without a leash. He must have a leash on no matter what because of the laws.

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question. No, never! I treat Smokie as my child.

How often does your pet see a vet? every 6 months

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate? Well..sometimes, but other times I usually put him in the bathroom with door closed so he can have more rooms to play.

Have you had your pet spay and neutering? That day I got him, he was already had it.

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with? He loves ball, some chew toys, and stuffed animals.
Please quote each questions with your answers, so it would be understood clearly. Thanks! Answer the questions honestly as the best as your knowledge...Thanks again!

Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?
yes 1 cat -- tabby. soon to have 2nd pet is a PUPPY coming up in November!!

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups? yes in the beginning but not since now.

What do you think about people that eat dog meat? I never really knew anything about it ( shame on me?) heh heh

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.
tabby can be afraid of something new stuff that she never saw before. she's so silly.

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?
depend on situation -- good pet or not?? if good pet, i would bring it HOME.

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household? I dont know about MN law. :-O

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet? no.... always changing whiskers or scienic diet. :-O I think I'm nuts haha

{For dog owners} Does your dog go outside on a leash or without a leash? Explain your reasons if without a leash.

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both?
indoor cat

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question. no

How often does your pet see a vet? not for couple of months now.

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate? no

{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter? every 3 days or so. depends on busy we are.

Have you had your pet spay and neutering? yep

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?

tabby loves feathers ( crazy about it still mouse with feather), strings, her own FOOD playing on tile floors she loved it. some other toys with sean like balls or mouse, etc. shes amazing :) oh yes she like laser light :-D
Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?
Yes, 2 cats, a dog and few fishes.

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups?
Yes and been update since Aug of this year.

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.
My dog hate noise when I am on computer. One of my cat hate noise too.

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?
Call animals control and then try to stop the person.

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household?
Dunno. I will find out.

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet?
No but then I found out my cats had to stick with diet science since it doesn't make them throwing up.

{For dog owners} Does your dog go outside on a leash or without a leash? Explain your reasons if without a leash.
with leash

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both?
One of my cat is outdoor and another is inside. Yea yea it strange.

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question.

How often does your pet see a vet?
Once a year

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate?

{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter?
Every other day.

Have you had your pet spay and neutering?
Yes all of them are done

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?
My dog like to play with wet towel. My cats loves to play with yarn.
Do you have any pets? If so how many and what are they?

2 cats

If you could be any pets, which one would you be?

A dog

Do you have a vet for your pet? Are your pet up to date with their routine vaccines shots? and check-ups? Yep ..

What do you think about people that eat dog meat?
if Chinese people or other countries do -- it is their custom. One of the countries (not sure which) thinks we are nuts because we eat cow meats. I won't be happy in seeing others eating dogs thou.

Is your pet afraid of anything? If so explain the reason if you may.

Both cats are afraid of the vacuum cleaner

What would you do if you saw somebody beating up an animal in the street?

I would call the cop on him or her --- rescue the pet first thou (if possible).

Is there a law to allow you to have limited pets that you could have in your household? I dunno .. my apt policy shh shh ... one pet is allowed only .. haven't paid 300 dollars deposit fee. It is absurd. I am a responsible pet owner.

Have you stick with the same pet brand of food since the day your pet was born or the day you brought your pet?
Iams Chicken only .. One of my cats has a sensitive tummy.

{For cat owners} Is your cat an indoor pet or outdoor pet or both? Indoors . I wish to see them enjoy the outdoors thou.

Have you ever been charge with animal cruelty, that's if you wanted to answer that question.
No .. I would never harm my own pets that I love

How often does your pet see a vet?
Once a year and I've worked there!

When you're not home do you keep your pet in a crate?
My cats? No ...

{Cat owners} How often do you clean the cat liter?
4 times a week I am fuzzy so as one of my cats too!

Have you had your pet spay and neutering? Spayed!

What is your pet's favorite toy that your pet usual plays with?[/QUOTE]

Monet loves the rubber green balls but they are nowhere to be seen! Renoir ummm.. playing with water of the bathroom sink.