when i was 17 i was bored and went to AOL personals just to check it out, found alot of the ads amusing, so i wrote up this LONG letter, complete with a really sweet poem

and sent it to about 50 ppl just to see what responses id get ;p (yea imma real bastard)
well had many responses but i wasnt really trying to meet these people, but this one girl was very persistent to say the least, i thought she was annoying as hell and even tried to avoid her (online of course) well she finally talked me into meeting in person (we chatted on the phone from time to time at this point, this is all happened before i lost my hearing)
i drove 2 hours and got lost in northern VA just to meet her, she had to come meet me in the city, i was pretty impressed she was cute (til that point she had no idea what i looked like nor did i her)
we ended up being very serious for almost 3 years, i mean she lives 2 hours away then went to school almost 3 hours away and i drove to see her alost every other day, while working as a manager of a hotel (80 hour weeks), yea thats the kid of guy i am (CRAZY)
we were suppose to get married, i mean i loved her to death, the she up and decids she wants to be a party girl and not be attached, so i get the boot
good 3 years tho mostly, so its not impossible