Perhaps the stupidest reason why I got in trouble at work.


Farting Snowflakes
Premium Member
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
I already texted back and forth with FC about this earlier today, but I thought this was wild enough I should share it with you all.

You know about the crazy co-worker that was chasing me out to my truck every morning and calling me her C----baby or her C-----Lou or simpy Shay-shay. Well this morning she was all sweetness and light and after a while I got tired of her nonsense so I quit replying to her every sentence. Well everything seemed fine and dandy.

I was joking and cutting up with the tender cutter next to me and we were laughing about something, when I looked up and my crazy co-worker screamed out " Wheres my mom?!" and stormed off the line.

Me and the other girl were like WTF? I honestly did not know what happened and everyone was looking at me like I was the culprit.

Well my line boss and my other boss came and pulled me off the line and I had to go into the office. Appearently my crazy co-worker had gone to my main boss and said that I was picking on her and talking about her and what not.

I was like - "Come again now?"

L--- said that they were not babysitters and that they did not have time for this grade school bull shit.

At that point I was getting red in the face because I was mad.

I then said well then tell my coworker to just not talk me, dont hang around me just ignore me. Because I wasnt even talking to her when she got mad, I was talking to the other girl beside me and like you I dont have time for this grade school bull shit either.

I walked out of that office with a write up for supposedly being a workplace bully and a sense of bewilderment like what the hell just happened here?

No one at work likes this girl, she is always pulling bull shit stunts like this but this was icing on the cake. If she talks me at all in the future. I will bypass L--- altogether and go directly to either R--- or R----- about it. Im not going to sit around and let this girl keep getting me into trouble with false accusations and causing me to lose my job.
You know how you could have avoided being written up is by playing dumb when asked about what's going on and insisting on it that you have no idea what's going on.
I really had no idea she was even mad and pissed off and I explained that to my bosses but I got wrote up anyway.
Huh? I thought the whole staff can see what she's like so why should she be the victim? *smh*
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A lot of that has to do with the fact that this lady is overly emotional and has mental issues and that her mom also works there, has 20 years of service and has some pull in regards to what discipline the crazy coworker gets.

IMHO - the crazy co-worker doesnt even belong there. You can see that she is really struggling socially there. This is a chicken plant for gods sake. It dangerous work, and you had better be mature enough to handle it. If not then get out.

She spent the better half of an hour crying her tears on the line then my line boss got sick of watching it and told her to take a break and get it out. My co-worker was gone for probably 15 minutes crying her tears in the break room. If I had pulled half the shit this girl pulled this morning I would have been fired by lunch.

I think this girl is better off working someplace like Chuck E. Cheese's or something where she's less likely to get her feelings hurt over stupid stuff.
Believe it or not Jake, she is 19 and has the mental stability of a 5 year old. :shock: I may ask to look at the exact write up and see if I can have it removed from my file because I feel like I was wrongly accused in this incident or should I say NON-incident.

This girl has literally made something out of nothing!
you will have to convince the boss that you have done nothing, as this is really mostly verbal nonese.
Dixie, try to avoid her as much as possible, and don't give her any more ammunition. I can give you stories about my own battles, including calling out managers in the kitchen. Never mind the A-hole who took my knife to help cut the lemons for the bartender. Or the worker that stole a grumpy cook's knife and put in my hands, just to stir a fight between me and the cook. I was like huh??? and sure thing, a FIGHT!

When the bosses see you working good, staying out of trouble, and getting along with OTHER coworkers, then they will know for sure it's the nutjob that causes all the problems for you. Hang in there. I know you said you didn't do anything before being written up. They will see sooner or later.
It is verbal nonsense. I will talk to L---- tomorrow morning and see if I can at least view the actual write up (I should have a right to see what is in my file at the least). If I feel that the write up was not accurate then I will ask to have it reviewed and removed from my file as this could potentially hurt in the future should I seek promotions for whatever reason. I was not made to sign it, so it is more like they brought me into the office to discuss it and they made a 'note' of it.

I talked to my other line boss this afternoon during spray down and she told me when my coworker came into the supervisors office she was 'shaking' and saying "Oh, I'm so pissed and I'm trying to stop smoking!" And my line boss was like "I wasnt aware you had even started?" Then my coworker went into the blubbering spill about how I was being mean to her and thats when they came and got me. I was like WTF?

I think they need to pull my coworker into the office and just flat out tell her - cut the crap or your'e fired. Because this is a chicken plant and I agree wholeheartedly with L--- that they shouldnt have to put up with this. My coworker needs to grow up or get out. That simple. Its not right that I got wrote up over her stupid emotions when I did nothing wrong. I have had enough of it. This girl needs to be run out of the plant and put on no-rehire.
Dixie, try to avoid her as much as possible, and don't give her any more ammunition. I can give you stories about my own battles, including calling out managers in the kitchen. Never mind the A-hole who took my knife to help cut the lemons for the bartender. Or the worker that stole a grumpy cook's knife and put in my hands, just to stir a fight between me and the cook. I was like huh??? and sure thing, a FIGHT!

When the bosses see you working good, staying out of trouble, and getting along with OTHER coworkers, then they will know for sure it's the nutjob that causes all the problems for you. Hang in there. I know you said you didn't do anything before being written up. They will see sooner or later.

I avoid her anyway. I dont speak to her unless she starts the conversation. I didnt talk at all to her until she started talking about how she has a 'date' with some guy and they are going together to watch her parents get baptized then they are going out later to eat. The only thing I said was - watching my parents getting baptized isnt my idea of a first date... Then she kept on and on and I was halfway answering her queations when finally I got tired of it and just ignored her. I think whan I started ignoring her is when she got pissed and paranoid.

If she speaks to me at all in the future I will tell her she is not to speak to me and then I will tell L--- and say hey she has been talking to me after she had been specifically told NOT to.

Not once did I shed a tear today, I was actually laughing about it at one point because its just crazy the way it happened.

work very serious and you must listen to boss what order not ingore for good reasons if you have hard time to insult like a-hole,crap,dirty words you must trust co-workers and boss for your actions at work.

mostly people always listen to boss and co-workers on work order to do not ingore plans OR boss will give you fired they you would not be longer work for years! boss very serious about jobs!

mostly people got in trouble for laws like drugs and lots of mores they workers will explaining to boss about what happened they will go court for fined faces charges if boss would kept you jobs or not they cant blame you its boss's choice.

that clear?

work very serious and you must listen to boss what order not ingore for good reasons if you have hard time to insult like a-hole,crap,dirty words you must trust co-workers and boss for your actions at work.

mostly people always listen to boss and co-workers on work order to do not ingore plans OR boss will give you fired they you would not be longer work for years! boss very serious about jobs!

mostly people got in trouble for laws like drugs and lots of mores they workers will explaining to boss about what happened they will go court for fined faces charges if boss would kept you jobs or not they cant blame you its boss's choice.

that clear?


Dude, she's not talking about herself, she's talking about a co-worker who is pssing her off, THAT clear to you? :D

Dude, she's not talking about herself, she's talking about a co-worker who is pssing her off, THAT clear to you? :D

i know but dixie have hard time at work and i wanted to explain to dixie for my example tips and dixie got pissed off i dont blame dixie i would leave dixie alone as respect

work very serious and you must listen to boss what order not ingore for good reasons if you have hard time to insult like a-hole,crap,dirty words you must trust co-workers and boss for your actions at work.

mostly people always listen to boss and co-workers on work order to do not ingore plans OR boss will give you fired they you would not be longer work for years! boss very serious about jobs!

mostly people got in trouble for laws like drugs and lots of mores they workers will explaining to boss about what happened they will go court for fined faces charges if boss would kept you jobs or not they cant blame you its boss's choice.

that clear?
sara, READ CAREFUL!!! You jumped conclusion!! Dixie were talking about her co worker!! Not her!! Read again S L O W L Y.
Sounds good--and it might help when she tries to talk to you, or suck you into a gabfest that would get you two into trouble, put your hand out and tell her loudly (for witnesses you may need) you are working. That you don't want to talk to her then keep working.

Then the nutjob ought get into trouble for "harassing you into talking".

Hang tough, and keep us posted.
Will do. Thursday I'll have my comp book with me, so if she tries to talk to me, I can simply throw the book at her, and I do tend to have good aim. :D