Let's not be rude in this thread. I just want everyone's honest opinion.
There was this guy at my previous work that flirted with me. He is older than I, and he looks nice. The problem is that he has bad teeth. I am not talking about white and croocked teeth or protruded teeth. I am talking about someone who likely needs to replace his teeth. He was embarrassed by it. Since I am deaf, I noticed he'd talk quick and not really open his mouth much. He was cute, but the idea of bad teeth (TO BE REAL HONEST) grosses me out. It's real sad, but my feelings about it is just as real. Some women will be like, "why are you so mean? you consceited (spelling?) girl. you're not all that yourself!! it's about the inside not the outside!!" blah blah blah. I know they are real people just like me and everyone, but but but.....?
I am just being real honest, and I know a lot of people are this way. I think of my grandparents who lost a lot of their teeth younger also, but they are people who did something about their problem. I know it's expensive to fix teeth, but my grandparents weren't exactly rich themselves either--it's hard for me to understand why they would worry about money and put it off. To me teeth health is supposed to be cared for just like your own body. If you need an operation, you wouldn't put it off because you have no money, right? So it's real weird.
I didn't care to flirt with him sometimes. I am not a total flirt. I am a mild flirt, but I am careful not to so much, so that they do not get the message that I want them when I clearly don't.
I guess what I am asking is how can someone tell me I am selfish and stuck-up for not liking someone because of bad teeth? How am I stuck up? It's just so weird. I can't even think of kissing someone with bad teeth. I know couples from like Extreme Makeover that the wives had bad teeth, and still had their husbands. I am sure they got used to each other, but I just don't really get it...I really don't. I don't think the Extreme Makeover was bad like the other guy I am talking about.
Opinions? Tell me of a similar story you've come across like this with someone of a different flaw or same one. I really don't mean to offend anyone with bad teeth who may be reading this. When you look at him phisically you cannot tell that he has bad teeth. My family would kill me if they saw me with him. They'd be talking about it and grilling me. Anyway, I agree it's real sad when they get rejected because of people like me, but it's a real issue!
There was this guy at my previous work that flirted with me. He is older than I, and he looks nice. The problem is that he has bad teeth. I am not talking about white and croocked teeth or protruded teeth. I am talking about someone who likely needs to replace his teeth. He was embarrassed by it. Since I am deaf, I noticed he'd talk quick and not really open his mouth much. He was cute, but the idea of bad teeth (TO BE REAL HONEST) grosses me out. It's real sad, but my feelings about it is just as real. Some women will be like, "why are you so mean? you consceited (spelling?) girl. you're not all that yourself!! it's about the inside not the outside!!" blah blah blah. I know they are real people just like me and everyone, but but but.....?
I am just being real honest, and I know a lot of people are this way. I think of my grandparents who lost a lot of their teeth younger also, but they are people who did something about their problem. I know it's expensive to fix teeth, but my grandparents weren't exactly rich themselves either--it's hard for me to understand why they would worry about money and put it off. To me teeth health is supposed to be cared for just like your own body. If you need an operation, you wouldn't put it off because you have no money, right? So it's real weird.
I didn't care to flirt with him sometimes. I am not a total flirt. I am a mild flirt, but I am careful not to so much, so that they do not get the message that I want them when I clearly don't.
I guess what I am asking is how can someone tell me I am selfish and stuck-up for not liking someone because of bad teeth? How am I stuck up? It's just so weird. I can't even think of kissing someone with bad teeth. I know couples from like Extreme Makeover that the wives had bad teeth, and still had their husbands. I am sure they got used to each other, but I just don't really get it...I really don't. I don't think the Extreme Makeover was bad like the other guy I am talking about.
Opinions? Tell me of a similar story you've come across like this with someone of a different flaw or same one. I really don't mean to offend anyone with bad teeth who may be reading this. When you look at him phisically you cannot tell that he has bad teeth. My family would kill me if they saw me with him. They'd be talking about it and grilling me. Anyway, I agree it's real sad when they get rejected because of people like me, but it's a real issue!