PDA with window mobile 5.0 ?


New Member
May 23, 2003
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who has any mobile/PDA with window mobile 5.0 ? what applications do you have in your pda ? i would love to get some ideas from you if you have cool programs in your PDA.

my PDA is Cingular 8125.

Some cool freebie softwares in my PDA are Total Commander, Batti 2.0, Agile Messenger, Tonaya Weather to Go, and Flash Player. SPB Pocket Plus 3.1 is too cool tool to run my pda smoothly.
deafclimber said:
who has any mobile/PDA with window mobile 5.0 ? what applications do you have in your pda ? i would love to get some ideas from you if you have cool programs in your PDA.

my PDA is Cingular 8125.

Some cool freebie softwares in my PDA are Total Commander, Batti 2.0, Agile Messenger, Tonaya Weather to Go, and Flash Player. SPB Pocket Plus 3.1 is too cool tool to run my pda smoothly.

Thank god there's some deaf PDA owners out there. :cheers: Been wondering about that. I have several friends I stay in touch physically to get the latest updates on PDA's like Treo, MDA, and so on...

I have PPC 6700 from Sprint and am loving it. Only three cons are 1) no direct push email technology 2) when email comes in, no vibrations 3) battery drainage (5 to 8 hours a day on average). But don't get me wrong, I am still loving it despite those cons above.

However based on messages I've read across alldeaf forums and you found a way out to have WM5 direct push technolgy in PFA. Of course, I would like to inquire about it. Thats the most important issue to me!

I currently have several programs in my PDA. Mapopolis with my OnCourse BT (for traveling and geocaching reasons), variety of games installed, Intelligolf (for golfing), SPB Time, and BeeLine GPS (for geocaching). I removed SPB 3.1 bec I am getting bored with it. Maybe PhoneAlarm or Battery Pack Pro would interest me. :)

Hope anyone that has PDA can get together here and get some good feedbacks from each other. That would be a huge bonus for us! :gossip:

pah ! it is good to see more PDA freaks ! :)

speaking of direct push, sprint has updated ROM with direct push for 6700. try this - http://www4.sprint.com/pcsbusiness/support/downloads/items.jsp

i got direct push on my8125. i LOVE IT ! it does save battery's life by increasing about 40%. i use free mail2web.com account with exchange server 2003 for direct push.

i have a question.. i am very intersted in OnCourse BT for my future bluetooth GPS. how do u like OnCourse ?

edit: i found another link to Sprint's 6700's updated ROM download for direct push -
http://www.utstar.com/pcd/Downloads.aspx - try that. :)
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Right on!

I haven't been following up on the latest PDA technology due to family commitments and heavy workload at work. But thanks for pushing my ass in action, I will check the updated ROM and sync with my PDA up to date.

You use exhange server 2003 at home or at work for direct push? If at home, then you gotta teach me HOW to set it all up? :whistle: :fingersx:

Here I go... :blah: OnCourse BT is, without a question, a champ to me. Used to own two GPS BT (Rikaline and GlobalStat) before getting the OnCourse. Bought it at www.buygpsnow.com. OnCourse responds quicky as if I took three steps, it would change information on my location right away. That really blew me away because the other two I used to own doesn't, lacking updated information until maybe one to four minutes later. OnCourse battery life is GREAT, 17 hours straight! End of my :blah: :)

What mapping software do you plan to use on your PDA? I love Mapopolis because it converts loc extension files in for geocaching. Also, quite good for travel use.

great... glad to help ya...

hmm i plan to get oncourse bundle - bluetooth gps, OCN5 software, 2gb miniSD that comes with softwares(OCN5)

per your question about direct push... no i use mail2web.com. it is SUPER free email account with direct push feature plus activesync that always run to mail2web server so u wont loose anything like contacts, emails, tasks or calendar if you drop your mobile into water, that is no problem and mail2web is taking care of those for ya.... u need to check on www.mail2web.com.
deafclimber said:
great... glad to help ya...

hmm i plan to get oncourse bundle - bluetooth gps, OCN5 software, 2gb miniSD that comes with softwares(OCN5)

per your question about direct push... no i use mail2web.com. it is SUPER free email account with direct push feature plus activesync that always run to mail2web server so u wont loose anything like contacts, emails, tasks or calendar if you drop your mobile into water, that is no problem and mail2web is taking care of those for ya.... u need to check on www.mail2web.com.

Hey yo! getting the oncourse bundle would be a great benefit for ya.

I updated my ROM. Bad news, it wiped out my contacts, files, everything. I simply forgot to sync to PC as a backup before I updated it. :ugh: oh well, but it sure increase battery life!!! pretty nifty upgrade.

about direct push, when someone emails me, i want it to vibrate acknowledge me theres an email awaiting for me. how do you set it up? I signed up at web2mail.com but unsure how to do it. can i put multiple email addys in there so i can get everything?

appreciate your big help!

ok i try my best.

(1) Open ActiveSync
(2) Click menu->configure Server
(3) Enter following information to the configuration:
Server Address: mobile.exchange.mail2web.com
check 'SSL' if you want secure communication
User name: your mail2web.com email address
password: your password
Domain: ad2
Check 'Save Password'
Select items you want your phone to sync.
(4) After finish configure, go to menu->schedule and select schedule to 'As items arrive' or you can use Comm Manager's direct pusd button to do it for you.
deafclimber said:
it does vibrate whenever u get email on ur pda.

one question, do they need to use my mail2web addy to reach me, no other email addy? if thats the case, I can always make the my other email addys to forward to my mail2web addy.

I have configured my pda according to your instructions but haven't tested it out. will let you know. many thanks!
golflover said:
one question, do they need to use my mail2web addy to reach me, no other email addy? if thats the case, I can always make the my other email addys to forward to my mail2web addy.

I have configured my pda according to your instructions but haven't tested it out. will let you know. many thanks!

it is up to u. personally i dont need to add those email accts on my pda because i use mail2web for anyone to reach me at pda. it goes faster like email sent to your pda from pc or mobile within a few sec. but if u set up email acct like comcast or gmail acct on pda, they wud drain ur battery up from connecting/disconnecting by time. neverless to say you can put ur other email addy to foward email to mail2web acct on ur pda. it works just fine.
That's why I like Palm cuz dont need to worry about virus. Windows have tons virus than any O/S.
GraysonPeddie said:
ActiveSync 4.2 from Microsoft is available for download.

Windows Mobile Certified Software Catalog

Important software that you may need for security:
You will find handy security tools to help safeguard and prevent viruses and intruders from getting into your WM5 device.
You shouldn't have to pay for extra software because the operating system is not secure. If you believe that it should be that way, I feel sorry for you, I guess... :roll:
Neo said:
That's why I like Palm cuz dont need to worry about virus. Windows have tons virus than any O/S.
:gpost: Exactly.
Neo said:
That's why I like Palm cuz dont need to worry about virus. Windows have tons virus than any O/S.

not quite tons of virus, mate... palm does get virus.

google urself on these info...
gnulinuxman said:
You shouldn't have to pay for extra software because the operating system is not secure. If you believe that it should be that way, I feel sorry for you, I guess...

i feel sorry for you too dude so back off. this thread is for wm5.0 users, thanks.
Neo said:
That's why I like Palm cuz dont need to worry about virus. Windows have tons virus than any O/S.

Yea, I agree. :)
deafclimber said:
i feel sorry for you too dude so back off. this thread is for wm5.0 users, thanks.

Way to go dude. :cheers: Guess they're jealous.

Anyway, have you tried the Battery Pack Pro. I tested it out on a 14 day trial and it seems very cool over the SPB Plus. I like both.

Grayson, I dl the ActSyn 4.2 last nite and it was much better than the old one. Thanks for the info anyhow.
deafclimber said:
not quite tons of virus, mate... palm does get virus.

google urself on these info...

Well you can google yourself and look date when last time Palm got virus.

Windows still got virus this year.
Neo said:
Windows Mobile is popluare for business.

yea it is popular for business... but i dont have my own business but i love this powerful PDA more and more and more...

watch out the HTC pda that are going to attack any PDAs. it is the fastest growing in the world.