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There is absolutely NO doubt in my mind that children are abused every day, Banjo.  We, after all, live in a sick and twisted world and abuse is much more common than we are aware of.  It can be in daycare, it can be at home, it can be at a party, it can be at school, camp, et cetera, et cetera.

However, I strongly and politely have to disagree with you on the fact that parents are in any way to blame if a child is abused by a babysitter.  Yes, we made a judgement call, but judgement ALWAYS leaves room for mistakes.  We, as humans, make mistakes every day.  I don't believe that blame should be placed onto the parent, but solely on the babysitter or whoever it is that has done something as sick and horrible as child abuse. 

If a child is abused by a babysitter, then the child will NEED the parent's love and support to get through it.  They certainly do not need a parent who blames themselves. 

People are two-faced, and pretty damn convincing at times.  You have to keep that in mind.  We can think we know everything about someone based on how we see them behave in public but behind closed doors, they can be completely different.  Unfortunately I've come into contact with too many people of that nature.  However, I would have to say that your family would be the people you know the best since "behind closed doors" pertains to the home and these are people you've seen at their worst...tantrums, tempers, etc.  I'm more likely to get pissed off at home than I am while out shopping.

Point is, if you're going to trust someone, whether it's a parent, relative, or someone you find in the classified ads to babysit your child, then you are basically making a judgement call.  Most of the time, you're lucky enough to be right, but there are cases in which you're wrong.  If you are, then your child will need you to help them pick up the pieces.  NOT blame yourself.

