Patience learning ASL and struggles


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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If you look at this video, you'll see that 3 women are helping to teach some ASL. I do have a hearing girlfriend who is learning ASL. However, I don't know if I would have the patience that those 3 women have in the video. Yeah, it takes a lot of work to teach ASL and sign slowly.

Three Deaf Backpackers- My Heroes - YouTube
I do have patience with hearing people who struggle with sign language. If they don't understand what I said - even spelling - I would just write it down. It's no big deal.
Trying and struggling is better than not trying at all, right? Gotta walk before you can run.

I sign pretty slowly (fastest in my all-hearing class but that's really nothing to brag about at all, is it? hahaha), which is pretty embarrassing to me. I don't get to sign with others every day. I'll get there as soon as I can. Practice makes permanent, you know! :)
Sorry if this has been talked about before but I am one that is struggling with ASL. Is there something easier for me? Even easier than say ASL for dummies?
Practice makes permanent, you know! :)

Only if you permanently keep up your practicing. I met a woman who had studied asl and developed some skill, then spent some time away from it (a number of months) and it was horrifying to see how much she had lost (especially to her!)

It was sad to watch her sit there and realize she couldn't remember to say much of anything, but in a way I was glad to have it made clear to me: all the work I've done learning this stuff could vanish really fast if I don't keep up with it. I have every intention of keeping up with it, but if something comes up that requires walking away from it and returning later, I'll know what the consequences will be.

It's scary to see how fragile language is. If you use it every day, you keep it. But that "use it or lose it" saying is really really true.
It's scary to see how fragile language is. If you use it every day, you keep it. But that "use it or lose it" saying is really really true.

Amen! "Practice makes permanent" is actually something my high school Strings teacher said. "Practice doesn't make perfect. It makes permanent. If you practice well, you'll play well. If you practice poorly, you will play poorly. If you don't practice at all, well...." It's so true for so many things outside of music too. ESPECIALLY language. :shock:
Yeah, it happened to two of my friends. One of my neighbor took 3 years sign language lesson and I have been helping her with her "homework." When she got married and she got busy - 6 months later, I finally saw her and she already forgotten some of sign language. She was able to read my signing, but now she asked me to slow down - at snail pace.

Other friend, he told me he took classes, but already forgotten when I met him. Since he's co-worker and I will feed him some sign language to see if he will remember them.
take your your struggle on learn few your hands, skills your how encourage to learn best to encourage to improve slow memory, after people have memory repeat to skill sign language many times sign language do it practice study. it is lots of practice good important to practice many people struggle learn how research :) support to sign language friends/family. also course to possible help supportive.. ASL . I do encourage to support to ASL community, I am many times supportive to ASL community I am volunteer many times lots of community. I notice to volunteer. people have alots of good community