Parents behave badly


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
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I took those link from other forum.

Parents Behaving Badly

WARNING: It's horrible to read how the different children are being treat by their parents in those link. Of course they provided links in those link. Take time and read.

I was totally :pissed: after read different article with links in those link and ask to myself many times. WHY... why... why...

Why they want to be parent in first place then? They should think twice before they want to become parents then... :pissed:
Yea I know that feeling and that frustrated sitution to see something like that going on. I hate it.
:tears: One disturbing thing is the sexually assaulted, repeatedly beating of a child and abuse at the hands of their parents on a daily basis. No child deserves that type of treatment no matter what they do period.

What bothers me the most about those parents:

How the mothers letting the child alone with a boyfriend and sits there and let's the entire thing happen and does nothing to protects the child.

Parents who has mentally unbalance who cannot cope well with children.

When parents are drug addicts.

Parents who flips out at their child and react violently.

and so on...

I have asked this question time and time again - why do these people have children????????!!! :pissed:
That's soo disgusting!!!!!!!!!!! That really piss me off!!! Poor those kids!!!!!!

anybody I meet and does that to their child like that I report them to agency for the abusive. there is NO NEED for these child to be like that and be afraid of people for life..

these abusers shouldnt be on earth!!!!

This makes me steaming mad.

I wish I had a bullwhip on hand and turn the tables on the abusers!

Most of the abusers will get prison justice so I guess we'll have to be marginally satisfied for the time being. I just hope the paedophiles and child abusers/killers will not be put in secure area away from the general population.

That secure area for paedophiles and whatnot to protect them from viligiantes from the general population is happening more often here. :( Oh please!