Overdue from mbrek


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Aug 11, 2011
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I jumped in a couple of months ago and skipped the intro section. So I'll back track now and let anyone know who's interested a little more about myself.

I had some hearing loss as a child. Looking back it must have been the glue ear I've read about? I had tubes put in twice and that seemed to do the trick.

Seemingly unrelated I also have an autoimmune disorder. It first showed up with my skin. I have vitiligo, and when I was younger I had white patches on my joints; knees, elbows, knuckles, ankles. Later on I found out I have Hashimoto's disease - my autoimmune disorder was attacking my thyroid. After I got married and had my son, my vitilogo went crazy and took over most of my pigment. Despite being a VERY white woman now, it's actually an improvement over the patches.

Autoimmune is a strange condition. And now for the past 8 years it seems to be attacking my ears. I got HA a few years ago, but they don't always help and I'm not too fond of wearing them. So I started learning ASL on my own, and I'm picking it up quickly. I start real classes soon, but I already have a large vocabulary.

I'm a 45-year old woman living near Minneapolis. I have a 13-year old son who is severely mentally disabled (like a 1 year old). Unsure if the autoimmune was a factor in his condition - but no matter. I'm very happily married. I don't work outside the home much as taking care of our son can be a bit challenging. I teach water aerobics twice a week, and I also make my own line of hand-made jewelry which I sell at art fairs on some weekends in the summer and fall.

My niece is studying to be an ASL interpreter (she also has some hearing loss), and that has re-ignited my desire to learn. I am trying to get acquainted with the local deaf community; and I am eager to find people who are patient with signers who are not in school.

I'm already fond of AD, and I hope to get to know more of you in future!
:welcome: Lots of us here have auto immune problems. :P You should fit in well.
Welcome! That's great your niece is learning ASL too- you'll have someone to practice with! Enjoying reading the threads, and participating in those that are of interest to you. Glad to read that you have your own personal things going for you, besides being a mom and a wife ;-) sometimes we forget we need to do things that make us as individuals feel good...
Glad to read that you have your own personal things going for you, besides being a mom and a wife ;-) sometimes we forget we need to do things that make us as individuals feel good...

No problem there! I always knew I couldn't be completely devoted to taking care of someone else... I have too many interests. Good thing my son is happy and content most of the time, LOL!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you continue to have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Ha, Welcome! So glad you made your intro. You make some interesting posts and thanks for supporting Jillio.

Wow. I have an autoimmune, I am late deaf, learning sign and my neice is studying to a terp too.