Opponents Drugged By Parent


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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Tennis parent's actions may have led to death

PARIS -- A tennis parent has been accused of drugging the foes of his offspring, and his actions may have led to the death of a 25-year-old teacher, BBC News reported Tuesday.

Christophe Fauviau, a 43-year-old former soldier, was arrested Sunday on suspicion of administering the anti-anxiety drug Temesta to at least three players who faced his 15-year-old son, Maxime, at local tournaments, according to the report.

Fauviau is accused of spiking the water bottles of his children's rivals with the anti-depressant. He was arrested near his home in the southwestern town of Dax, France, after watching his 13-year-old daughter Valentine, a promising junior player, play a tournament in Cairo, Egypt.

One player was hospitalized for two days, but it was the fate of another alleged victim that shattered the local community and led police to treat the situation as a possible criminal matter.

Driving home after the match last month, 25-year-old teacher Alexandre Lagardere was killed in a car crash after apparently falling asleep at the wheel of his car, following a match with Maxim. The teacher quit the match, saying he was too tired to continue, according to the report.

Traces of Temesta were found in the dead man's bloodstream, according to BBC News.

Police are questioning others who have played against Maxim and Valentine. Some of their foes also have complained of fatigue during matches against the Fauviaus, BBC News reported.
Jeez... that's pretty bad. Parents taking sports too seriously!?
this reminds me of this tx cheerleader who wants to have her daughter on the team and be the squad captain as well, so she did something i think killed another teen for the spot? am i wrong? could someone correct me? just happeend have me reminded abt how parents can go the extreme for thier child to do the best and not settle for the effort.
OMG...that is going TOO far! :shock: I don't understand why parents'd go such extremes to ensure their kids get to the top?! Why can't they just settle with the effort their kids did...? :roll:
yea :shock: some parents WOULD go the extreme to "help" their child onto a sports team or win a game *smh* some parents today are :crazy: