OK folks thanks for the input and links to the other threads. All has been very informative.
My Audi had told me that she is trained for mapping all 3 of the brands but more then 75% of here clients are Cochlear America CI. Which is something I have to keep in concideration.
I noticed in my resent reading that CA is working with Phonak and Phonak has created a boot that fits to the bottom of the Battery case on the processor the boot works with the FM Transmitters that can be used in meeting or lectures which is ideal for students.
Now the next question I have is should I do both ears at the same time or one at a time. Currently the Dr. is saying one at a time is better that way I can still have some hearing using my other ear with a HA while my brain adjusts to the new way the sounds are coming in, to me this just sounds like it would confuse my brain.
Any input??