So..... instead of touching your wallet to the payment reader.... how about you act like a normal person and pull your ventra card out and touch it to the payment reader and stop being a tard? :roll: The card touching your debit card can't charge you... if it's the payment reader that's causing an issue, keep your wallet away from the payment reader like the hundreds of other consumers that do.... :roll: Why do you have to complicate everything!?! Jesus.... I think if it were THAT big of an issue they'd be fixing the problem, but since it isn't zapping everyone's debit card left and right for hundreds of dollars and it's not every other person, it seems to be a small issue if one at all.... you're turning a mole hill into a mountain... once again. Congratulations on starting another stupid thread and wasting time on something you could have figured out yourself, or complained about in a thread already started. Good job. *golf clap* *That was intense sarcasm in case you need some help*