One sperm donor = 150 sons and daughters

Very interesting.

That adds a new dimension to teenage crushes. Can you imagine, as a 15 or 16 year old, trying to ask the delicate question of your latest sweetie, "Hey, any chance you're a sperm-donor kid? Any chance your dad is number 34567?"

It's surely a good idea to have that registry referred to. I'd be in favor of stricter regulation about the number of children from one donor, too.
This is why I chose a clinic that has strict limitations on the number of children can have the same donor... the limit is 5 unless it's the same couple.
This is scary.

I guess that would explain the growing number of messed up kids... long-lost cousins getting together. :Ohno:
That's too many kids. I like the restrictions that some clinics put on.
there was a doctor that ran a sperm bank and women where going to him thinking they where sperm from a guy they picked out. The doctor was going into a back room and coming with HIS own sperms! I saw a picture of the doctor and was a creepy looking! He had injected his sperm into a lot of women!!
That was in the Northern Virginia area; I remember what a scandal that was. Doctor was oldish, fat, ugly (sorry, had to be said). I always wondered if the women would still have been so mad if the doctor had been a younger, good-looking guy.

Cecil Jacobson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was this guy. He lost his license and did jail time, too.

And another case:

Details Emerge About Suit Against Las Vegas Fertility Doctor, Part 2

Well if some women picked a guy out base on his religion they could be upset even if he was good looking. One of my cousin adopted 2 babies and they waited a long time for Jewish babies. I was to say the doctor was fat and ugly,thanks for saying it first!! I know is not nice to judge people for their looks but I would not had wanted that doctor's baby!
The links explain how each of those doctors were caught. DNA tests, in a nutshell, following up the suspicions of some of the women involved.
When I clicked, the links didn't work...since I'm on the phone, it's hard to tell if maybe the sites aren't mobile-friendly. I'll find out.
Oh, that could be.

Here's the long version of how Jacobson was caught:

"In 1989, suspicious former patients tipped off a local television station, which investigated and reported on the false pregnancies. Jacobson was sued by numerous patients. Federal prosecutors charged Jacobson with perjury (for false testimony during the civil proceedings) and mail and wire fraud (for the use of the mails and the telephone system as part of his fraudulent practice).
During the course of the criminal investigation, another type of fraud came to light. For a variety of reasons, some patients had arranged to be artificially inseminated with sperm provided by screened, anonymous donors arranged by Jacobson. In order to preserve the anonymity of the donors, Jacobson explained, he identified them in records using code numbers; only Jacobson was to know their true identities. Investigators found no evidence that any donor program actually existed. Some of Jacobson's patients who had conceived through donor insemination agreed to genetic testing. At least seven instances were identified in which Jacobson was the biological father of the patients' children, including one patient who was supposed to have been inseminated with sperm provided by her husband. DNA tests linked Jacobson to at least 15 such children, and it has been suspected that he fathered as many as 75 children by impregnating patients with his own sperm.[3]"
This is scary.

I guess that would explain the growing number of messed up kids... long-lost cousins getting together. :Ohno:

worst, they accident end up in bed and learn that both are half-sibling each other.
Even worse, they get married, have children, and THEN find out that they are half-siblings.

Which is very, very possible. After all, how do a lot of people find doctors and lawyers and other professionals? They ask their friends. So let's say a woman is having fertility problems, she knows that her friend Sue in her book club was treated for infertility and is now pregnant, she asks Sue who her doctor was, goes to him, bingo! Pregnant - but she doesn't know her baby's father is also the father of Sue's baby.

Multiply that scenario by a lot of women who know each other, whose kids go to the same schools or socialize together, grow up, date each other, marry...

Ewww! A poor woman thought that she got her husband's sperm and it was from a creepy, old man. That's disgusting. :shock: