okay this time, ask me ANYTHING

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
ask me ANYTHING...i simply don't care at all

but if you don't like the answer you got, well then that's not my problem...so anyway, ask me ANYTHING...
are you gay? if you are, then kewl.. if you are not, by the way, you didn't admitted. ha ha, im joking.

Anyway, What are you doing for a living?

What are you doing right now? What is your favorite motto?
actually, i don't have a job yet but i should get one sometime this summer...perhas at a local comic book store or whatever but not sure yet

so what am i doing right now? just talking to some girl who is in NC too on YIM...and just took a break from playing "enter the matrix" on Xbox...

and my favorite motto? hmmm...i'm not sure.

perhas something like, "the more beer you drink, the stupider you get"...something like that i guess.

and i'm gay?...nope. i don't think i ever felt that way anyway.

always been horny when i see a hot naked girl...don't know why lol
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Originally posted by Steel
actually, i don't have a job yet but i should get one sometime this summer...perhas at a local comic book store or whatever but not sure yet

so what am i doing right now? just talking to some girl who is in NC too on YIM...and just took a break from playing "enter the matrix" on Xbox...

and my favorite motto? hmmm...i'm not sure.

perhas something like, "the more beer you drink, the stupider you get"...something like that i guess.

and i'm gay?...nope. i don't think i ever felt that way anyway.

always been horny when i see a hot naked girl...don't know why lol

ah, so normal, boy! you always get horny from seeing a girl who is really naked.

ha ha...

ah, you have x-box! so, what is your favorite game? do you like "enter the matrix?"

anyway, what is your favorite computer game? Starcraft? broodwar? or what?
For Xbox, i like Halo, Dead or Alive 3, Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Voellyball, and Serious Sam.

"enter the matrix" is pretty cool...it takes place BEFORE the movie "matrix reloaded" and between also... the controls are OKAY, but the graphics and cinemas are neat.

and sorry, i'm not much of a PC gamer...i'm better at console gaming than PC gaming though
Originally posted by Steel
For Xbox, i like Halo, Dead or Alive 3, Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Voellyball, and Serious Sam.

"enter the matrix" is pretty cool...it takes place BEFORE the movie "matrix reloaded" and between also... the controls are OKAY, but the graphics and cinemas are neat.

and sorry, i'm not much of a PC gamer...i'm better at console gaming than PC gaming though

oh, i am pc gamer. So, I am glad that you liked "enter the matrix."
yeah "enter the matrix" is also on PC, if you didn't know anyway
Originally posted by Steel
yeah "enter the matrix" is also on PC, if you didn't know anyway

oh serious? I WOULD nag my dad, to take me to the best buy... to get me one!

DOA3???? awesome!!! I played it before at my friend house but it's hard to find now, oh well...I heard that Tekken 4 is good too
What's your full name?

How old are you?
Originally posted by WilGecko
DOA3???? awesome!!! I played it before at my friend house but it's hard to find now, oh well...I heard that Tekken 4 is good too
well not to worry...Tecmo and Team Ninja are working on a new title that might come this year, DOA online that features the orginal DOA game from the Sega Saturn version and also DOA 2 with improved graphics to match Xbox's graphics, and of course, DOA 4, but that proably will be released in 2004.
Originally posted by Coralicious
Hey Dan!! What's up?? What college will u go to?
not sure. I had a talk with my mom couple days ago that i thought it would be better for me to go to a college for the deaf so i would feel like, you know, fit in, and have my needs and wants with other deaf ppl and stuff like that...i never been to a school for the deaf so i wanna try to go to the college for the deaf...and that might be the one in washington, D.C. NY is just too far away.
Originally posted by SilenceGold
What is your thoughts about AllDeaf?

Do you look up to me?
AD is okay. I only wish we could choose any avatars we want with any size so sometimes finding the one with 100x100 isn't always easy. and if i resize it, it might make it fuzzy or blurry to see or whatever...so, some members are nice...some members are assholes. just like the real world. lol

andwhat do you mean, "i look up to you"?
Originally posted by Steel
AD is okay. I only wish we could choose any avatars we want with any size so sometimes finding the one with 100x100 isn't always easy. and if i resize it, it might make it fuzzy or blurry to see or whatever...so, some members are nice...some members are assholes. just like the real world. lol

andwhat do you mean, "i look up to you"?

Your avatar seems fine?

Looking up to someone means that you're following their steps.

A similar question, "Do you consider me as your role model?"