That's a Redneckin' talkin'...Me and My soon to be hillbilly husband are gettin' married next month of Aug 16 of 2008...
I didn't realizes that the hillbilly Elvis Presley died on Aug 16 of 1977 at the age of 42, and heck I'll be 42 on Aug too and I fainted
My weddin' will be in a very warm pretty lilac colors.
I'm a kinda a nervous so does my soon to be my redneckin' husband heh...y'all don't have to congrats us, we knows
We're a very happy rednecks
Last one me and my soon to be husband almost craps our pants cuz my sister's husband surprised us on Friday said that they was buyin' us a weddin' rings, but the bad news is we just broughted our rings. We might tried to take it back and gets our gifts from my sister and her husband, I was like oh my gawd they was buyin' us a weddin' rings, sooo niceeee!
Good gravy by the way my sister and her husband decided to buys me a weddin' dress and I haven't found one I like yet but finally got my fiance groom outfit today, he looks like a hot Redneckin' boy Lmbo!!!
So they decided that we keeps the ring we brought and they are gonna buys us clothes for the wedding, aren't they a neatoooooo!!!!