Officials investigating local student blowing cigar smoke in teacher's face


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Apr 5, 2004
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NLR student blows smoke in teacher's face

Cell Phone Video Shows Student Blowing Smoke in Teacher's Face

According to a North Little Rock Police Department (NLRPD) incident report, the teacher told officers it happened Monday (12/14) during final exams.

The teacher told the 18-year-old student he would have to take his test in the hallway. The report says the student refused. When the teacher said he would call to have the student removed by a school supervisor, the student said, "hit that button I dare you."

Once the teacher pressed the intercom button, he told officers the student lit a cigar, stood up and blew smoke in the teacher's face three times.

The school district says the video makes a couple of things very clear that the student could get in trouble for.

One of them is the student is in possession of tobacco on school property which is illegal and against policy.

"But it's also apparent that the student is showing deep disrespect for the teacher by approaching him, getting very close, and blowing smoke in his face," said School Safety Coordinator, Steve Canady.

According to Canady, the district is investigating but can only say discipline could range anywhere from no action at all to full expulsion.

The offense and official state statute according to the NLRPD report is "Insult or Abuse of a Teacher", a misdemeanor. Only if the teacher wants, he could take it to the prosecuting attorney.

According to a police report, the video was taken in a North Little Rock High School classroom on Monday. After a student refused to take his test in the hallway, the teacher threatened to call a supervisor and write the student up. The teacher said as he reached for the intercom, the student said "hit that button, I dare you." The teacher hit the button and moments later the student lit a cigar, walked to the front of the classroom and blew smoke in the teacher's face three times. The student was escorted from the classroom by a school supervisor. On the way out of the classroom, the student said, "I'll be back."

The school district said on Thursday that it's aware of the video and is investigating the incident. School officials feel the teacher handled the situation in the best manner possible.

"He was professional. He was calm, and he was mature and he didn't let the actions of the student interfere with his ability to control the situation," said Steve Canady, Safe Schools Coordinator for the NLRSD.

The school district would not comment if the student was in class on Thursday. The student is facing possible charges of abuse or insult to a teacher.

I'm reading Incident Report on Scribd. Check it out:
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Yeah, this kid had no respect. I'm just surprised this made the news.
Blowing smoke in anyone's face is an Insult...If he were my son, he'd be blowing smoke out of his azz when I got through with him....
Teachers have a lot to deal with such disrespectful kids such as this.
I'd expel him. Sounds like someone with a pattern of aggressive behavior. If he treats the teacher like this, I'll bet there's more than a few students being bullied too.

The smell of cigars horrible and that pong during a test not fair on other people....the kid out of order.give him two chose' smoke cigar get off premise not take test or put it out take test.His future is cigar worth it.
I'd expel him. Sounds like someone with a pattern of aggressive behavior. If he treats the teacher like this, I'll bet there's more than a few students being bullied too.


Expelling is a short sighted action.

It doesnt adress the issues. Nor even attempt to foster or build what the kid is lacking.
Respect, responsibilities fof actions, so on
All expulsion does is delay theplm for society to handle later.
Expelling is a short sighted action.

It doesnt adress the issues. Nor even attempt to foster or build what the kid is lacking.
Respect, responsibilities fof actions, so on
All expulsion does is delay theplm for society to handle later.

Problem is...that specific incident detailed here required (forced by the perp) immediate action. Tell me what you would have done....
Problem is...that specific incident detailed here required (forced by the perp) immediate action. Tell me what you would have done....

Certainly removal from the situation, even suspension.

But not as an end of it.

The plm with expulsion ia to mw obvious.
So the kid gwta kicked out od school, moved to another....maybe.
All that does for him is almost certainly gaurantee him a life in the game, the joint, or even worse.

Like any band aid, the effectivness of it will much deoend on the wound.

So this kid has no repsect for authoeity...ok....then perhaps ways to grow and foster that shoukd be looked into.

Get out works always short term.
Long term it rarely does
Certainly removal from the situation, even suspension.

But not as an end of it.

The plm with expulsion ia to mw obvious.
So the kid gwta kicked out od school, moved to another....maybe.
All that does for him is almost certainly gaurantee him a life in the game, the joint, or even worse.

Like any band aid, the effectivness of it will much deoend on the wound.

So this kid has no repsect for authoeity...ok....then perhaps ways to grow and foster that shoukd be looked into.

Get out works always short term.
Long term it rarely does

he's 18... a legal age and I think it's pretty much a guarantee that he's a criminal (or will be).
Obviously the student looked for trouble. He will not graduate from that school ever.