Off-Topic Oriented ....... Talk About Anything You Want !!!


Active Member
Mar 2, 2003
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LOL - i revived Strawberry's thread from AD1 !!!! :twisted:

ahhhh post abt anything u wanna say ...... :mrgreen:
Chel, hun, about time you posted something in your avatar! Is there a bigger pic somewhere? I didn't bring a microscope with me to Norway :(
Umm MOrning all from hawaii gonna be really on and off type of weather! and sticky too! ( humid)
Originally posted by Liza
dont you mean intellectual masturbating, k? :lol:

Ya got that right! :laugh2: My French friend called philosophy "mental mastubration" and even had a sign for it, and I agree with her 100% :laugh2:
I hope this doesn't turn into another "2904" thread.
Originally posted by Liza
Chel, hun, about time you posted something in your avatar! Is there a bigger pic somewhere? I didn't bring a microscope with me to Norway :(
LMAO :rofl: :laugh2: :rofl: :laugh2:
Originally posted by kuifje75
Ya got that right! :laugh2: My French friend called philosophy "mental mastubration" and even had a sign for it, and I agree with her 100% :laugh2:

:naughty: Was that Sandrine or me? (This chick is French and I always think naughty thoughts!!!) :laugh2:
Ohhh.. forgot to add this one.. have you seen "Personal Best" with Mariel Heminghway? This movie was from the 70's and it's a good one for you all to watch! :naughty: Oh boys... if you wanna catch some certain x-rated scenes between chicks, this movie is one you definitely don't wanna miss!! :laugh2: When I saw the scenes, I went :ugh: "Am I watching the right movie?!" :laugh2: