NY man beheads mother then jumps in front of train

The neighbors thought it was a Halloween prank with a fake body until they tried picking the body up. How horrible it must have been for them when they realized it was for real. That's scary and the poor mother.
world going awful, stop SHOWING ISIS shit on the news!!, its encouraging copycats.....
Feels sometimes that what the media reports gives others ideas to carry out gruesome acts. :(
I couldn't watch a video because the internet in DR was so bad. It was about an interview where a woman asked Thich Nhat Hanh (famous Buddhist monk - as famous as Dalai Lama) about how to help mentally-illed people with very disturbing minds. She said when a patient was practicing Buddhism to control his mind, he was better and able to control his mind but sometimes fall to his delusion.... but still better than when he was on medications.

gotta try to find it.