Nucleus Freedom vs AB Harmony


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Oct 10, 2011
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I have to choose. Doctor recommends Nucleus Freedom. I am concerned though because it is an older model. Is it ok to go against the doctors recommendation?
I have been researching both until my eyes went buggy. Who has what model and why? Can you help me??????

I have not had my MRI yet. Also have not decided if I am going to even have the surgery. So CONFUSED!!!!:hmm::hmm:
I guess this is where I get confused. So you can have one model implanted and a different model processor? I try to talk to the audiologist but communication is so difficult. I am researching but I am at the point I need to hear from other CI users. Thanks for your input.
All the internal implants are made to be backwards compatible meaning if there is a newer processor in the future then you can utilize the new technology without having to be re-implanted with the internal portion. Right now Cochlear ltd is on a recall so they are implanting the nucleus freedom internal which works with the N5 external processor (and eventually newer models in the future)
Wow, thanks. So much information to study. Your answer helps a lot!!!!