NTID Awards


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
I went to the NTID Awards Banquet and here is the list of awards that were given out and who received them:
  • Mr. & Ms. NTID Awards: Dmitri David Gadaev & Silvia Natalia Lopez
  • Humanitarian Staff Awards: William Moore & Denise Hampton
  • Dawan L. Albritton Student Humanitarian Awards: Mike Spady & Kelly Lenis
  • Outstanding Advocate Award: Jeff Fredrickson
  • Outstanding Leadership Award: Philip Miller
  • Outstanding Interpreting Student Award: Lydia Chambers
  • Outstanding Interpreting Award: Meredith Ray
  • Outstanding Graduating Student Awards: Chamroeum Dee & Pamela Siebert
  • Debbye Byrne Award For Most Improved Student: Sam Lu & Clarice Pineda Bondoc
  • Outstanding Organization Community Service Award: Sigma Sigma Sigma
  • NSC Best Overall Greek Organization Award: Sigma Nu
  • NSC Best Overall Non-Greek Organization Award: Ebonly Club
  • NSC Officer/Member of the Year Award: Brandi Honnert
They also swore in the new NSC President and Senior Vice President:
  • NSC President: Christopher Samp
  • NSC Senior Vice President: Amanda Sievers
Congratulations to all of them! :thumb:
Wow, that's a lot of awards! Congratulations to those who won! :thumb: Psst, I don't even know any of them. Heh. ;)

by the way you spelt her name wrong. its Silvia.
There are several people on there who are also members of this forum.