Now THIS is disturbing!!


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Sep 20, 2003
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*sigh* Bad teachers!!

From the newsroom of the Nettavisen Forside, Denmark, Wednesday, October 1, 2003 .....

Teachers put Scotch tape over deaf boy's mouth

When the deaf boy did not stop screaming, two teachers make him shut up by putting Scotch tape over his mouth. The city court in Fredericia, Denmark, claims the teachers' reaction was justifiable.

In court the teachers explained that they felt completely powerless that they finally saw no other way than to Scotch tape his mouth to stop him from screaming. The two of them were acquitted for the charge of violence, according to the internet issue of Morgenavisen Jyllands Posten Wednesday, reported the Norwegian news bureau (NTB.)

The charge was filed after the incident was reported to the school authorities in Fyn township, where the school is located. The court found that it had to acquit the teachers according to the laws that apply when dealing with difficult children.

According to a spokeswoman for the Danish teacher association the verdict statement stated that the acquittal means that the teachers' reaction was pedagogically right in the situation they found themselves. One should keep in mind that this situation refers to a very difficult boy who does not react to ordinary pedagogical methods.

Copyright 2003 Nettavisen Forside
yeah... it's awful and disturbing... After those event, I'd made those teachers rot in jail!
I can't believe that teachers got away with it. Deaf students still suffer!! It is time to throw mean spirited teachers to prison and let them rot in hell!! :tears:
Screw the teachers get the kids outta that school and transfer them and also get them counseling at the same time it's soo disturbing to see this kind of action and they said its *ok* to do this SCREW it no way i won't allow my kid go thru this situation..... just have the kid scream til its tired itself out then talk to the kid and find out what's wrong and if its emtionally disturb just wait it out til the kid calms down and go on and talk abt what is wrong and maybe send for a counselor COVERING the kid's face like that with sotch tape is not just morally wrong its also applies to child abuse in all aspect! weather thier parents or teacher its an abuse in all aspect!
Now, let's not get carried away here. If they left out the word "deaf", how would you have responded?
I would have responded the same way vampy NO kid of any race disablity or creed or sex ( male or female) should EVER go thru this, a screaming jag or a emtionally situation like this doesn't always relies on the DEAF themselves theres OTHER issues as well if this kid was not deaf and was having a temper tantrum covering the kid's mouth with tape doesn't solve plms its going to make it worse and give this kid a tramua to last a life time!
Aww c'mon, it's easy to say you would not do it, when you have not gone through it. I have taught for a year at a homeschooling co-op program filled with people with multiple disabilities. There were times I felt like I wanted to strangle the kids, but I kept my cool! :P I agree, scotch taping the mouth is a bit extreme, but if it worked, then I guess they did their job.
If the child was purposely being rebellious and screaming to annoy people, then by all means, tape 'em flappers shut! If the child was screaming because the teachers provoked him inappropriately, then by all means, jail the teachers!

In the end, tough love.
:shock: this is a bit too extreme -- here in the States if a teacher was caught doing that he/she would have been arrested right then and there
Well, I was one of them because Deaf has to make noise in hearies class. The teacher gave it up and put me tape, too. It is understandable because they not know deaf commiunity. If they know deaf commuinty then they wont put that tape on us (deaf boy or me). I was just kid and troublemaker. :D
no big deal, if i were the teacher I'll knock the boy out with a steel chair :twisted:
I would agree with VamPryoX, it depends entirely on situation. That boy might be mentally challenged (not to stereotype with all other deafies) or deluded in a way that scream became unbearable even with attempted control. The story wasn't described in highly detailed description enough for me to either support or to refute that. Again, people say things in their own point of view: they write things based on their own bias on how they think of something or someone. Stories can be twisted, used as moral control, to convince people otherwise.

I see apple as burgundy, you see it as red and others looks at it as claret, but what color is it really is?
Suppose if happends this issued.. I would flip my mind out and press them charged. (In my head, Oh yes, I would love to PUNCH their eyes out)*wishlist* LOL
Sorry about this dsturbing.. I'm glad teacher deserved to plea gulity and belong to behind the bar.

*sigh*~ :roll:
Geez, this had happened to my other deaf brother
many years go when he was a very sweet little boy...
and he came home with bloody nose
My mother found out that teacher
put tape over his mouth by her force
and he could not even breathe
through his nose during some speech sessions, etc...
Good enough my mother wrote a complaint letter
to the school.

The result: That teacher got fired immediately.

We can still even remember her name. Eeek.
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Screaming kid

There are alot of situations that may apply.

If I were working with that particular child, I would have removed him/her from the classroom and not returned him/her until they were calmed down (and understood the situation).

Many things could be the cause. I once had a student like this, around 7 or 8 years old, he was IMPOSSIBLE. He even knocked me down, broke my glasses and gave me a black eye!

Come to find out after awhile that this child had USHERS and was merely frustrated -- his mind was normal and he did not know how to with his limited capabilities. Very sad and his frustration was understandable -- but not at the moment!
I agree with Lantanah ... if the child behaves bad the teacher should remove the child and put in time out which hallway... until child calmed down but doing something harsh to a child is wrong... There should be laws there to protect children out that so that children dont go through the same amount of pains...This world today can be crazy... but still wishes that the world would go peace....
weekend said:
I screamed when I was kid. My teacher don't bother me. :D
lucky you, ur teacher would had :slap: you... unless you wore a ":stupid:" shirt at that time... lol just kidding...
damn it bitch Teahcer, they don't learn to study a student have muilt Disabilty, a teahcer should be in jail for a long time. screw system.
When the deaf boy did not stop screaming, two teachers make him shut up by putting Scotch tape over his mouth. The city court in Fredericia, Denmark, claims the teachers' reaction was justifiable.

According to a spokeswoman for the Danish teacher association the verdict statement stated that the acquittal means that the teachers' reaction was pedagogically right in the situation they found themselves. One should keep in mind that this situation refers to a very difficult boy who does not react to ordinary pedagogical methods.

I agee with deaf258's comment though

now look that word up in dictionary (that one which is in bold type)