Noise definition


Active Member
Mar 6, 2003
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Define noise in your own words.

For me, noise is like when I see people rushing back and forth in a busy traffic/sidewalk. Another definition is when I see a lot of flashing lights going on around in the same room (even if it's silence to hearing people).

Tell me about yours.
=/ I can't hear the noises anyway?? Heehee Juz kidding...

Pretty much same define of noise of yours.
Should I answer this?? Noise is all around me. I get so jealous of deaf people sometimes cuz they are sleeping or relaxing in places where I can't. But to me, Noise is a bunch of sounds put together that makes no sence or is annoying.
258~ Thanks for sharing! :thumb: I'm sorry that you're jealous of us being deaf to sleep through out the loud moments. :snickering: Sorry.
Originally posted by ChelEler
Define noise in your own words.

For me, noise is like when I see people rushing back and forth in a busy traffic/sidewalk. Another definition is when I see a lot of flashing lights going on around in the same room (even if it's silence to hearing people).

Tell me about yours.

Noise to me is when the floors shake like vibrate when ppl walk on it ....drives me nuts
Originally posted by prostock19
Should I answer this?? Noise is all around me. I get so jealous of deaf people sometimes cuz they are sleeping or relaxing in places where I can't. But to me, Noise is a bunch of sounds put together that makes no sence or is annoying.

sorry Prostock19, I am glad i am freeeeeeeeeeeee from hear during :zzz:
Re: Re: Noise definition

Originally posted by sablescort
Noise to me is when the floors shake like vibrate when ppl walk on it ....drives me nuts

:laugh2: :werd: :rofl: Gotta hate that when the floor or table are being tapped or slammed. Heh.
Originally posted by prostock19
Should I answer this?? Noise is all around me. I get so jealous of deaf people sometimes cuz they are sleeping or relaxing in places where I can't. But to me, Noise is a bunch of sounds put together that makes no sence or is annoying.

OMG I am so with you there! It makes me crazy when I'm out somewhere with my deaf friends and there's some awful sound giving me a headache and they're just sitting there wondering what's wrong with me. Or when they can sit somewhere and read a book and I can barely concentrate enough to spell my name. When my cats start meowing really loudly in the middle of the night, or my family makes all kinds of noise while I'm trying to sleep. Or when stupid people are allowed to talk. If you can close your eyes, why can't you close your ears?
Originally posted by Sydlie
OMG I am so with you there! It makes me crazy when I'm out somewhere with my deaf friends and there's some awful sound giving me a headache and they're just sitting there wondering what's wrong with me. Or when they can sit somewhere and read a book and I can barely concentrate enough to spell my name. When my cats start meowing really loudly in the middle of the night, or my family makes all kinds of noise while I'm trying to sleep. Or when stupid people are allowed to talk. If you can close your eyes, why can't you close your ears?

Aww. :grouphug: Let's ask God why he made us that way closing eyes no problem, but closing ears that's a problem. :grouphug: once again.
Iwanu ga hana
"Silence is golden."
Japanese proverb

I rarely think about noises. But the things that bother me are:
-when chatting with ppl, I dont like low lights. I like bright room to chat in.
-Ppl staring at me
-strobe lights
-fingerspelling (some ppl cant fingerspell well and I can't read it well sometimes)
The list is not complete though.
Originally posted by kuifje75
Iwanu ga hana
"Silence is golden."
Japanese proverb

I rarely think about noises. But the things that bother me are:
-when chatting with ppl, I dont like low lights. I like bright room to chat in.
-Ppl staring at me
-strobe lights
-fingerspelling (some ppl cant fingerspell well and I can't read it well sometimes)
The list is not complete though.

Read my quote and you will understand that you follow the same footsteps when it comes to noises. :D

I hate it when I wake up too early because Lisa's subwoof on her computer is turned on and she forgets the rules when I am sleeping. I might get a revenge some day.

The list might be very long. :p
Banging on floor drives me nuts.. for example, my son banging one of his toys on the floor :dizzy: and my son running back and forth with his feet booming on the floor..ugh! i tell him to take it easy or play or sit.. it drives me nuts lol
Originally posted by Teekie
Banging on floor drives me nuts.. for example, my son banging one of his toys on the floor :dizzy: and my son running back and forth with his feet booming on the floor..ugh! i tell him to take it easy or play or sit.. it drives me nuts lol

Yes, Thats one of my noises..
cars coming in and out or by...
whatever the kids running or jumping around me, i feel they are noisy.. but people said they arent.. lol..
Doors keep open and shut.. running up and down the stairs..
Makes me :dizzy:
Originally posted by MsGiglz
Yes, Thats one of my noises..
cars coming in and out or by...
whatever the kids running or jumping around me, i feel they are noisy.. but people said they arent.. lol..
Doors keep open and shut.. running up and down the stairs..
Makes me :dizzy:

Oh yeah, same here.. :dizzy: :laugh2:
I think when I piss...that is noisy because of the floor going ""

*zips up*
I can't hear which is blessing so I can sleep in and not worry about noise and anything ;)
dang! wish i am 100% DEAF so not have to deal with any nasty noise. ocassionally, i hear some noise by knock the door very loud or nasty tone on the phone. Hate that sound from the phone cuz not dial right away or so.