No more Food Stamp???


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Jan 26, 2005
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Updated: 12:02 PM EDT
Congress Seeks to Cut Food Aid for Poor

WASHINGTON (Oct. 6) - Democrats are fighting attempts to make cuts in food stamps and conservation programs at a time when people are coping with hurricanes and drought.

"Right now the difference between life and death for many Americans is the food stamp program," said Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont. "We should not, we cannot, cut the very nutritional programs that are literally saving lives."

A Republican plan to cut agriculture spending by $3 billion had been scheduled for a vote Thursday in the Senate Agriculture Committee, but the panel's chairman, Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., put off the vote indefinitely late Wednesday. :ugh: OH well, I can live off Doritos chips.

Chambliss said Thursday he didn't have enough support from committee members for extending the dairy price-support program at the expense of other payments to farmers. The American Farm Bureau Federation, the largest general farm group, opposes the dairy program's extension.

"We don't think it's fair that you help one commodity at the expense of other commodities," Farm Bureau lobbyist Mary Kay Thatcher said, citing the dairy program's $1 billion cost.

The plan would extend a federal dairy price-support program, the Milk Income Loss Contract program, but reduce the amount of money dairy farmers would receive from it.

It would impose a 2.5 percent reduction in subsidies, affect all payments and marketing loan gains for producers of corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, cotton and other subsidized crops as well as dairy.

Payments to farmers would fall by $1.145 billion over five years. Still, it is much less severe than what President Bush had proposed. He sought a 5 percent reduction in payments, plus a far-reaching plan for capping payments that would cut billions more dollars from subsidies collected by large farm operations.

Chambliss intended to propose aid for farmers battered by hurricanes and drought in the coming weeks, after damage is fully assessed, spokesman Keith Williams said Wednesday.

The bill by Chambliss would cut food programs for the poor by $574 million and conservation programs and farm payments by more than $1 billion each.

The budget-cutting plan faces opposition from Democrats and others.

"This proposal is an unconscionable slap in the face at America's poor," said Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin, the senior Democrat on the committee.

The $574 million cut in food stamps would come from restricting access to this benefit for certain families that, because they receive other government assistance, receive food stamps without going through the application process. The restriction would shut an estimated 300,000 people out of the program. Chambliss' spokesman said the change would apply to families that do not meet eligibility requirements and that eligible families still will receive food stamps.

Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., said he and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, are pushing for Bush's payment limits, which would eliminate loopholes that let bigger growers collect unlimited payments.

Effective payment limits would cut spending enough to spare nutrition and conservation programs, said Chuck Hassebrook, director of the Lyons, Neb.-based Center for Rural Affairs.

"All they really meant was, `We're not going to cut the big guys; we're going to cut family farms and conservation,"' he said.

Congress ordered the $3 billion in cuts in a budget outline passed this year.

At the time, leading Republicans indicated they would rather target food stamps and conservation programs than simply make the deep cuts that Bush was seeking. The administration backed off its plan to cap payments in April after strong opposition from farmers. Cotton and rice growers would bear the brunt of payment limits.

Chambliss wants the cuts in farmers' payments to be distributed evenly among all commodities, his spokesman said.

Also under fire were $1.05 billion in conservation cuts that would trim programs that pay farmers to stop farming certain land or to change their practices to help the environment.

"Subsidies get $20 billion a year. Conservation gets less than $4 billion - to expect farmers who want to help the environment to shoulder as heavy a load as fat-cat cotton producers is terrible policy," said Scott Faber, spokesman for the Washington-based Environmental Defense.

The cuts in payments are not enough to aid U.S. negotiators in global trade talks being held by the World Trade Organization, said Ken Cook, president of Environmental Working Group. Developing countries are insisting that wealthy nations cut subsidies in exchange for access to their markets.

"It is a slap in the face to the poorest countries in the world," Cook said.

10-06-05 11:58 EDT
fucking stupid Republicans.....they think we all have rich relatives who we can sponge off of.
what ya gonna do when we have another Republican President elected for
2008? Will you lose your mind?
It can be viewed as a step to move people off of dependancy from government aid, although I believe a gradual process would be much more fundamental. I also don't believe food stamps is where this funding cut should be targeting. To me, it would be more sensible to cut welfare funding, because it is a much more widely abused service. I know several honest and hard working families who depend on food stamp/EBT benefits. A move like this would devastate them.

However for the moment, it is safe, since the vote has been put off indefinetely.
cental is right...

Um, I was thinking of quitting my job tomorrow and apply for foodstamp next week... I love being on food stamp.
You're right I am depending on government. :D
Actually, some farmers have received large government funds over the years. It is not true that the farmers are broke. In fact, they spend most of that money to set up their other business (not relate in a farm business). I assume that the governement cannot seize them because they need to get food from them, or maybe they do not have enough evidence that they broke the law.

We often thought that our farmers always have financial problems. Finally, a few farmers admitted and told the truth, but they cannot reveal their name on the 20/20 news. (That was about 5 years ago.)

About the food stamps, I could not imagine what would happen if they cancel the stamp program. It is more likely that the crime will skyrock in order for them to survive for food and money.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
cental is right...

Um, I was thinking of quitting my job tomorrow and apply for foodstamp next week... I love being on food stamp.
You're right I am depending on government. :D

You're twisting my words. I'm referring to people who are employed and are heads of their households and fall below the poverty level. They do not bring home enough money for their family, so they rely on food stamps to help them feed their family.
webexplorer said:
About the food stamps, I could not imagine what would happen if they cancel the stamp program. It is more likely that the crime will skyrock in order for them to survive for food and money.

I guess Government will have to build more prison and jail. :mrgreen:
cental34 said:
You're twisting my words. I'm referring to people who are employed and are heads of their households and fall below the poverty level. They do not bring home enough money for their family, so they rely on food stamps to help them feed their family.

Oh. yeah it is unfair to those people.
i somewhat support the idea..

i've seen many food stamp people buying junk food such as ice cream, candy bar, cookies, chips, etc.. They don't need those to keep them alive.

also what's the point.. i've also seen them buying very expensive food such as FINE pure STEAK with their EBT card (food stamp)

people are accually abusing it... not getting what they really need to support themself.
Actually, some farmers have received large government funds over the years. It is not true that the farmers are broke. In fact, they spend most of that money to set up their other business (not relate in a farm business).
Corparate farmers or small family owned business farmers?

What is Food Stamp?

Do you mean "Special offer" to take cents off if you want to buy foods? Correct?


Use collection points card in every stores where you buy?
Liebling:-))) said:

What is Food Stamp?

Do you mean "Special offer" to take cents off if you want to buy foods? Correct?


Use collection points card in every stores where you buy?
no.. food stamp is a government money to pay people for food.. they get free food

special offer.. is called "coupons" here.

collection points is called "rewards" here.

Normally very low wage people.. or no income people get food stamps.. they have this amount of money.. usually $200 a month for no income people

they can buy whatever they want that's related to food. (free money)

what upsets me is that people buy candy,junk food such as chips, cookies, etc etc.. instead of buying healthy food that they need..
other thing upsets me is that people buy VERY expensive food that isn't nessicessary.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I guess Government will have to build more prison and jail. :mrgreen:

George B would love to set up more prisons especially his favorite capital punishment. I think that Texas has the highest percent of executions than any state.
Oh I got it! Thank you for explanation. :thumb:

DeafSCUBA98 said:
no.. food stamp is a government money to pay people for food.. they get free food

We don't have like this here in Germany.

special offer.. is called "coupons" here.

collection points is called "rewards" here.

That's an exactly what I mean. Yes, we have like this here in Germany.

Normally very low wage people.. or no income people get food stamps.. they have this amount of money.. usually $200 a month for no income people

they can buy whatever they want that's related to food. (free money)

what upsets me is that people buy candy,junk food such as chips, cookies, etc etc.. instead of buying healthy food that they need..
other thing upsets me is that people buy VERY expensive food that isn't nessicessary.


Yes, you are right at one point why they can't buy right foods. :shock:

We don't have food stamp here. If anyone who living on unemployment or low income and can't acheive to buy new fridge, etc. where they really need for everyday then check with Social Department.
If anyone can't acheive to take the children outing trips (only around Germany) then check with Social Department.
Social Deparment do not support food issues because the people have money from unemployment benefit/income to acheive with except outing trips, things like fridge, cook, etc.

what upsets me is that people buy candy,junk food such as chips, cookies, etc etc.. instead of buying healthy food that they need..
other thing upsets me is that people buy VERY expensive food that isn't nessicessary
What if the person only buys junk food occasionally? Most of the stuff I buy is pretty healthy, but sometimes I buy junk food...
What's your deffy of VERY expensive food that isn't nessary? I like eating healthy and am a vegitarian....veg stuff is more expensive then omnivore stuff....
DeafSCUBA98 said:
people are accually abusing it... not getting what they really need to support themself.
Don’t forget that a lot of people also use food stamps to buy drugs. Almost all drug dealers take food stamps. The drug dealers work in conjunction with dishonest convenience store owners, who buy the food stamps from the drug dealer for 75 cents on the dollar, and then turn around and redeem them for full face value. Which is why we should eliminate food stamps altogether and switch to magnetic debit cards.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
what upsets me is that people buy candy,junk food such as chips, cookies, etc etc.. instead of buying healthy food that they need..
other thing upsets me is that people buy VERY expensive food that isn't nessicessary.

:werd: I've seen that also myself, Even my sister's sister in law brought too much junk foods with her food card, I've seen one of her son eating a whole bag of chips! :eek: