Newly Hard of Hearing


New Member
Oct 23, 2013
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Hey everyone!
Just wanted to introduce myself and give somewhat of a background.
My name is Shelbey and I'm a 20 year old college student from California.
So my hearing in my right ear has been completely gone for as long as I can remember. I could hear out of my left ear just fine but then this last year I battled with cancer and I actually beat it! However, the type of chemo I took caused my hearing in my left ear to start to go out. I now have about 10% hearing in my left ear and it's at about 35% when my hearing aid is in. My insurance didn't cover a hearing aid and I couldn't afford a very good one on my own so the one I have isn't too great. But it'll do for now. :)
I am slowly learning ASL through a couple of friends. Right now I am just getting by with reading lips and saying "what?" a lot haha. But I really do want to start learning ASL more aggressively.
I mentioned that I am a college student but the crazy thing is that I am a music education major and I sing in my college choir. Obviously it is extremely hard now but I am managing to get by. My muscle memory is good enough so I can still sing and my hearing aid helps me. I figure if Beethoven can write beautiful music while being deaf then I can still continue with music too! Haha

Since I only have hearing friends at the moment I wanted to come on this website and meet some of you! I'd really love to be apart of the deaf and hard-of-hearing community and talk to others who understand what it is like.
:welcome: Congratz on beating cancer! Especially at such a young age. Lucky for you, you live in a state where they have quite a large Deaf / HoH community. I'm sure you'll have no issues finding people in your area. :) Don't let your lack of hearing push you away from what you want to do, keep it up. :D :welcome: again, and I hope you find what you're looking for. :) :wave:
Hi. COngratulations on beating cancer. Once I was fitted for hearing aids by a guy who went deaf from chemo, and then became an audiologist. So it opened a whole new avenue for him. Good luck!