Newbie from Louisiana


New Member
Jan 18, 2007
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First, a little about myself.. Married for 22 years to Tish Johnson (hearing), we have 6 children aged 11-20, all hearing. Born and raised in East Windsor, CT, came down to Louisiana in 1980 after graduating from NTID to 'visit'.....and just never left. Worked at the deaf school for 5 years running the high school boys dormitory, went back to school at LSU, then worked for the district courts for 20 years.

The present....Decided that a job/career change after 20 years at the courthouse is warranted, thus I'm now looking for a new job. I am finding it quite challenging, too.

Now, onto my problem....I used to have a VP 100 hooked up, but did not use it much, since my work as an IT technician kept me in front of a pc all day, I found that IP relay suited me just fine, home and at work.

But, since I am now looking for a new job, hopefully in the deaf sector (got tired of working with just the hearing for so long) as an IT person in the relay business, I feel it is time to get back to my 'deaf' roots and see what all is out there, socially and technology wise.

Anyway, I decided to hook the VP 100 I have back up and the only difference between the last time I had it set up and now was that this time I opted for the phone/internet/cable hdtv package and instead of the old Motorola cable modem, they gave me an Arris Cable modem (model 402). I can use it with my wireless Belkin router and all the pc's in the house, but for some reason I cannot get it to work with the VP 100.

Is this a known issue? I try to fix these problems on my own, but no matter what I do, the router does not see my VP 100. I tried it directly from cable modem to VP 100; same thing.

Can anyone suggest anything?

Also, I'm glad to have found this site..maybe I can get my ears wet in the deaf community again.
:welcome: to AD! Good luck in your job search! :)
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Have fun browsing and posting! :)

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here :) ...
:welcome: To All Deaf daveimme!!
Interesting story. I'm hearing though so ya know.
Know about vp but sorry I'm not much of help on that.
Good Luck & sure you can find you a job & your answers here:)
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy Your Stay Here:thumb:
to AD..sorry im not an expert on vp as i dont have one. there are few in here that do know about vp so look for them and ask them questions. Good luck! meanwhile I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)