New York next for Gay Marriage?


Jan 3, 2009
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New York governor to propose legalizing same-sex marriage -

I've always admired Gov. Patterson for being so supportive of the Gay community. He even marches in pride parades! If only all states had Governors like Patterson!

This has been tried once before, and died in the senate.... what will happen this time around? NY already recognizes out of state same sex marriages, so why not just legalize marriage?
REALLY? VERY cool. I think there's gonna be a domino effect with gay marriage.....Like I think that the East Coast will gradually pick up a whole bunch of states that will legallize same sex marriage....If Maine and NH approve gay marriage then that will be almost an ENTIRE region that will have gay marriage. RI isn't gonna get it until the current gov gets kicked out.
It's awesome that NY may be poised to become the next state offering it. Cross your fingers everyone. And I love how the gov of NY is very pro social justice. I think he realizes that a lot of the same stuff that disabled people endure, GLB people also endure.
I think it's finally going to happen (gay marriage). I think what is going to happen in the near future is theyre finally going to create marriage laws on a federal level instead of leaving it up to the states which is what really what needs to be done. Theres just to many arguments on the subject. I think I heard the best solution from some comedian. She said "if you dont agree with same sex marriage, then dont marry somebody of the same sex."
Hmm okay ..... when gay marriage is finally legal in *ALL* 50 states of the USA, then I'll come out for sure.

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