New Website for Deaf Artists


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Nov 21, 2005
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December 7, 2005


ROCHESTER, N.Y. (Dec. 7) – Deaf Artists Info, a website that formally debuts in January, is seeking deaf and hard-of-hearing artists and arts organizations to be listed on the site.

The website – – is designed to serve as a treasure trove of information for and about deaf and hard-of-hearing artists.

Individual artists will be listed by category, including visual, performing, literary and educators. Theaters and performing arts groups will also be included. Users who click on an artist’s name will be taken to a page containing a picture of the artist, a biography, artist statement, samples of artwork and links to website and/or email.

The new website is created by Tom Willard, who founded Deaf Artists of America, Inc. in 1985 and served as executive director for 10 years. As DAA director, Willard published several national directories of deaf and hard-of-hearing artists.

“In a way, the new website is an update of the old DAA directories,” said Willard. “But now there is no concern about printing and postage costs, and it will be a lot easier to keep the information up to date.”

In addition to artist listings, the website contains art opportunities, news stories and resources for artists. Interested people can post their announcements (calls for entry, job postings, competitions, etc.) on the website at no cost.

Visitors to the site may sign up for a free email mailing list. The list will not be shared with anyone, but announcements can be sent to people on the list for a fee.

Of special interest to historians, the website will contain the long-awaited archives of Deaf Artists of America. Historic material from art exhibits, conferences, workshops, art classes, newsletters and magazines will be added to the website over a period of time.

Artists are encouraged to get listed before the website formally launches in January in order to take advantage of the first wave of visitors. To get listed, send your name, biography, artist statement, website/email address, picture of yourself and up to four samples of your work.

The cost to market your art to a worldwide audience through the Deaf Artist Info website is just $3 per month ($5 for groups), payable in advance for 6 or 12 months at a time.

Artist materials may be emailed to Payments can be made to the same address via Paypal. Materials and payments may also be mailed to Deaf Artists Info, P.O. Box 18121, Rochester, NY 14618.

The website is made possible through sponsorships. Sprint, MCI and Hamilton Relay have already signed on as sponsors. Three additional sponsorship spots are available and anyone who is interested can write to for more information.

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