New urine resistant walls in San Francisco shoot pee back


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - San Francisco now has nine public walls covered with a repellant paint that makes pee spray back on the person's shoes and pants.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports Friday that it's the city's latest attempt to clean up urine-soaked alleyways and walls.

Signs reading "Hold it! This wall is not a public restroom. Please respect San Francisco and seek relief in an appropriate place," hang above some walls.

The signs don't explicitly state that the wall will fire back, the newspaper reports.

Public urination has long been a problem in San Francisco. Legislation banning it in 2002 has seen little success, despite a fine of up to $500.

The paint has proved to be effective in Europe. It was applied to walls in Hamburg's St. Pauli quarter, where beer drinkers often can't be bothered to find a bathroom.
I only ever seen men pointing it downwards at urineall so in America it kicks back when splashed..I read about men peeing on electric train line causing it to arc and execute the pee person.public toilet a better way go about it
I only ever seen men pointing it downwards at urineall so in America it kicks back when splashed..I read about men peeing on electric train line causing it to arc and execute the pee person.public toilet a better way go about it

I use to take the subway a lot when I was younger and it smelled disgusting in the station , I was going up the stairs once a guy was taking a leak at the top of the stairs . :eek2: It was so gross smelling I wish we had urine resistant walls them and we could use it at my condo b/c men take a leak at our turn around .
Bums, homeless with mental issues wont muxh care,
Interesting idea,
Though i doubt it will work as well as they hooe...
I feel bad for dog male owners in San Francisco.

:laugh2: I didn't think of that! I have a male dog, Marty peed on my leg the first time he saw me . :roll: I am not sure if that was good or bad thing . I know male dogs mark their territory so maybe that was my he did that . :hmm:

I feel bad for dog male owners in San Francisco.