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Feb 8, 2015
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Is anybody here from the akron area of Ohio? I am hearing impaired and just recently got back into signing. I haven't met anyone on campus that is dead or hearing impaired and would love to make some new friends!
I hope you haven't met anyone dead on campus. Might be kind of traumatic.
I hope you haven't met anyone dead on campus. Might be kind of traumatic.

:lol: I was thinking she won't find any dead of hearing impaired here.

Deaf or Hard of Hearing, possible.
On the other hand Botti, she may still be using terminology from the '90's....
The term hearing impaired was really popular in the late 80's/ '90's.....
The correct term is hard of hearing.
Here's how I view it. You wouldn't call a gay person heterosexually impaired, or a woman Y chromosome impaired would you? The term impaired just sounds like a person is broken/lesser then.
On the other hand Botti, she may still be using terminology from the '90's....
The term hearing impaired was really popular in the late 80's/ '90's.....
The correct term is hard of hearing.
Here's how I view it. You wouldn't call a gay person heterosexually impaired, or a woman Y chromosome impaired would you? The term impaired just sounds like a person is broken/lesser then.

Why do we have to be so PC?????? The both refer the to same thing!!!!!!!!!!!
welcome to OP!

.....and in this case I do agree with DD regarding the terminology/comparisons

what about impaired dead...deadness is quite an impairment, actually...
Why do we have to be so PC?????? The both refer the to same thing!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a cultural thing, Jane. And this is the site where HOH is the cultural appropriate language.

HLAA forums would be happy to have you with your impairment...
On the other hand Botti, she may still be using terminology from the '90's....
The term hearing impaired was really popular in the late 80's/ '90's.....
The correct term is hard of hearing.
Here's how I view it. You wouldn't call a gay person heterosexually impaired, or a woman Y chromosome impaired would you? The term impaired just sounds like a person is broken/lesser then.

yep that what they called 1981
...regarding Botti's post#8....

why I haven't done anything with HLAA
...regarding Botti's post#8....

why I haven't done anything with HLAA

*snort* Same here. They're very well meaning, and they are GREAT for older late deafened people.... but their approach is just very much Hearing Health 101 and "Gosharootie! Look at this amazing NEW HA/CI that NOBODY can afford!" Like they have the flavor of one of those pamphelts that your audi gives you.