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The English Merriam Webster's Dictionary 10th Edition has English swear words defined--just curious why not in ASL dictionary? Why aren't private parts mentioned?

I'm hearing and I never thought about that until I started refreshing my memory by looking up signs on ASL's videos. I took ASL 1 and 2 and they never covered any of that stuff.

I wouldn't want to accidentally say the wrong thing.

If someone asked me a question about something intimate, I'd still have no idea what they were talking about-girl talk. :)

How would I know to explain to a friend in ASL that my mother in law has breast cancer, when I don't know if it has a sign? Or is it just fingerspelled? Or to say I have an appointment to see the gynecologist, so I can't meet you for lunch, for example?

Sorry, I know it might seem like a silly question, but I just wondered if the people making the dictionaries thought about that sort of thing.

I know one or two swear words in Spanish, one because a friend taught me, and the other from watching the Spanish captions on a DVD. But I don't use those words, and I know another slang term for the bodily function of going #2 in the toilet, and that's considered mildly offensive in Spanish, which I learned and didn't get in trouble over. :)

Does anyone have a good answer for that?

