New member, old problem.


New Member
Dec 16, 2012
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Hello everyone

I am here (hear?) because I am completely deaf in my left ear and suffer from tinitus. I went to the hospital about 30 years ago and they placed headphones on my ears after some tests they said.."yep, your stone cold deaf in your left ear"....or words to that effect. As far as I was concerned that was that!
Anyone who has this condition knows how much of a bloody nuisance it is. In the past I have been declared medically unfit for jobs I have applied for and it is just so frustrating to have someone talk to you on your 'deaf side' and you have to almost turn your head facing backwards to hear what it being said.

I know I shouldn't complain because at least I have some hearing unlike some folk who have no hearing at all.

But this is me...and this is my story..:wave:

Anyway, with all the tecnological advances since my test all those years ago I was wondering whats out there to help.

I was thinking about glasses that could have a microphone on one side with a hearing aid on the other. That way I could hear what was being said on my 'deaf side'....Is there anything like that out there?

I tried surfing the web for answers but then I thought why not go to the people who would here I am.

Any thoughts would be most appreciated. Good and bad :hmm: