new member from across the pond


New Member
Apr 25, 2012
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hi all, i'm tom

i have always had trouble with my ears since i was a small child, must have had a dozen grommets inserted through my childhood
but it wasnt untill i turned 21 that i started having dizzy spells, deafness and tinnitus
i was told i had meniere's disease.
i lived with the dizziness and the deafness for about 4 years, before i had an operation to stop the dizzy attacks the only down side would be that i would lose my hearing in my left ear.
all has been well up until now i am now 30 years old and my hearing in my right has dropped alot it doesn't help with the constant ringing in my ears
its starting to effect my life and my lively hood
i have joined this site looking for help because some people just don't understand what i'm dealing with and going through
hi all, i'm tom

i have always had trouble with my ears since i was a small child, must have had a dozen grommets inserted through my childhood
but it wasnt untill i turned 21 that i started having dizzy spells, deafness and tinnitus
i was told i had meniere's disease.
i lived with the dizziness and the deafness for about 4 years, before i had an operation to stop the dizzy attacks the only down side would be that i would lose my hearing in my left ear.
all has been well up until now i am now 30 years old and my hearing in my right has dropped alot it doesn't help with the constant ringing in my ears
its starting to effect my life and my lively hood
i have joined this site looking for help because some people just don't understand what i'm dealing with and going through

:wave:Hi Tom and welcome.
You have come to the right place. Many of us are going through your exact same situation. You are not alone and I for one, totally can relate. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Good luck!!!