New here...


New Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Hi everyone.

I know these intros are sorta lame to read sometimes, so I'll be quick. I am a mom of two sweet boys, one is mine, one is my step child. I am losing my hearing and have been for as long as I can remember. I am learning ASL but have not connected with anyone in the deaf community where I live, which is why I am reaching out here...

Hi everyone.

I know these intros are sorta lame to read sometimes, so I'll be quick. I am a mom of two sweet boys, one is mine, one is my step child. I am losing my hearing and have been for as long as I can remember. I am learning ASL but have not connected with anyone in the deaf community where I live, which is why I am reaching out here...


Hi, I'm Twiggy hearing learning Sign Language in Missouri.
Getting into online chats helps you get connected but hard to find people where you live. What would be your best option to find people where you live would be to contact schools or churches that have connections with the deaf community or has a member that has a connection. Also enrolling in a ASL class will help you learn and meet people. They may not all be deaf or HOH but at least you'll have a common like. It will also give you people to practice your signing with. The more you sign with others and your family the more it will pay off. I have Skype but only been learning on my own for 2 months will school starts in the fall. You are welcome to Skype and practice with me if you have an account and would like to practice.

Good luck with your journey