New here and scared


New Member
Jul 28, 2015
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Hey everyone,

I've recently stopped denying my hearing problems and decided to make an appt. with an Audiologist. I was denied a job because I failed the high frequency part of a hearing test. I have an incredibly hard time hearing people and I cannot understand what they are saying unless I have my contacts in, since I apparently supplement my poor hearing by reading lips. Every online test I've taken says I need to get my hearing tested by an audiologist.

My whole life my mother has told me that I have selective hearing and no "real" hearing problems. Now, at age 26, I have decided to stop believing her since I'm miserable. I can't understand group conversations so I exclude myself. I can't hear the tv unless it's super loud or has CC. I can't hear in class and I can't hear unless I can see your mouth.

I have to be honest and say that I've been let down by the medical field many times in the past, and now I'm really terrified that the audiologist will tell me that my hearing isn't bad enough for any kind of HA.

I was so excited once I started researching all of my options and things that could help me in college (and life). But then the fear kicked in, and now I'm scared that I won't be allowed to utilize them.

So, I guess my question is this: Can an audiologist tell me my hearing isn't that bad and be denied a HA?
Welcome to allDeaf,
Fear not the sign, it will set you free.

Don't let fear control you. Get the testing, and then take it from there. You might not like the results but at least you will have a starting point for taking action. Just fretting about something that might or might not happen is getting you nowhere.
Since your mother been telling you that you have "selective hearing " just block out that crap she been feeding you the whole time. She does not know what she is talking about and she sound very controlling . Reba gave you great advice and I hope you'll think about using it. I hope you'll stick around and Hi !:wave:
:lol:...Do remember my mother saying...."You hear what you want to hear!"....even tho' I didn't hear her at all....Nothing to be scared of...except fear itself....

Get yourself into the audio's office and start the testing....and stop worrying about something that hasn't happened yet....when it does, then do something about it...simple as that.
Whats ur hearing level? If its under 70DBs HA will work and you'll hear fine again. But if its over 70DBs ..Well you might be going deaf.