New Hearing Aid


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May 11, 2007
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My old hearing aid for my left ear is somewhat broken and it is pretty aged. I consider to get new HA for my left ear only. I don't want to have two HAs 'cause my right ear tends to ring for some time to time.

So I wonder, what is best kind of hearing aid? I prefer a digital HA. EDIT: And I only know a little about Phoenix HAs.
There are too many choices out there, your audiologist will narrow it down for you. I suggest you try out different ones until you find the one that sounds the best.
There are too many choices out there, your audiologist will narrow it down for you. I suggest you try out different ones until you find the one that sounds the best.

I 2nd this. try out different hearing aids and get the one you like the best. :)
well I'm going to be getting a new set of hearing aids this Febuary instead of this month due to delays though LOL

good look with digital hearing aids!
I kept my analogs for backups but it's now dead AND it still works!
There are too many choices out there, your audiologist will narrow it down for you. I suggest you try out different ones until you find the one that sounds the best.
I also agree. It's also important to have a good audiologist who will work with you to get it "just right". Not one who is only interested in selling you one.
Thank you for your comments. :) Very well. I'll check out to see what is best HA for myself.

Thanks again for the replies. Cheers~
Karissa, ask your audi to give you a loaner pair before you buy. You should be able to try them out before buying them. Good luck!
My old hearing aid for my left ear is somewhat broken and it is pretty aged. I consider to get new HA for my left ear only. I don't want to have two HAs 'cause my right ear tends to ring for some time to time.

Hi There,

Just stumbled upon this thread. Some good suggestions here, though I wasn't clear if your second hearing aid works or not? There are clear benefits to having both hearing aids providing sufficient amplification level. This blog post might help.
Sally - Ah, okay. I'll remember that. Thanks~ :)

JamesHD - Welcome to AllDeaf! :wave: I just looked up to see that blog. It seems interesting and informative. Thank you for the link! I appreciate it. Oh, I mean, my left ear doesn't have a lot of ringing or buzzing so I wear my left HA only. If I wear my right HA, I'll not able to listen anything if I only hear "ringing" or "buzzing" in my right ear. Even I went to see my doctor but there is nothing my doctor can do about it... :( Oh, well.
yeah plus I'm going to see my audie 2omorrow since I'm going all the way down to Farmington LOL