New Flag design for New Zealand

Yes it is a Kiwi bird (noted in the article).

I like the variations with the silver fern- clean, easy on the eye and not complicated.
fern on everything in nz...I think should have something maori bold tat image they all got meaning.
I like the symbolism and meaning behind the silver fern that white, blue, and red.... But then again I like the all blacks so... :)
we all like the All Blacks with or without a fern...I love watching them do huka(think that spelling)
we all like the All Blacks with or without a fern...I love watching them do huka(think that spelling)

Haka, :) yes agreed.... Did not know what I was missing until I was introduced to rugby :D but in the US it is so hard to find the matches :(
I not great lover of rugby big butch men who grab each other nuts is bit bizzare..every time I have to endure rugby match I ask hubby rules each time and I forget bc rugby league and rugby union different..same with cricket I would rather have tooth out than endure cricket match...but All Blacks most defo mens men..mind you scare crap out of me that lot coming towards me doing both cricket and rugby lovers
Lol they are not grabbing that....just near them lol although my kids do still giggle watching with me. :D
Have you ever watched the different haka? One that has always got me was for the fallen soldiers.....
I seen All blacks and the one Maries do before going to war think it maybe the same..I shall watch that tonight..Maries got things for all sorts of events spent six weeks nz loved it
that quite something....
just thought most obvious for flag a kiwi bird or that lame
It would be more recognizable to the rest of the world to put a kiwi on it... But the fern does have more meaning... Granted I am not nor have I been to NZ ... Want to though :D maybe one day lol
I like this idea.

As an New Zealand Citizen. I don't agree with new flag changes. So I will vote big NO for flag changes.

If New Zealand needs to change the flag. The first step is go republic and remove the ties of commonwealth UK first and then change the flag.

From looking at the polls in the past. A lot of New Zealanders don't want flag changes.

I wouldn't want a silver fern flag. Because there's already Silver Fern Flag for supporting Rugby, Rugby League and other sports.
I think union jack be taken off NZ OZ uk subject I agree with republic we should vote for State leaders not have a load of pampered twits who not a clue how real people live.
I broke my toe when in NZ cost me $60 to see doc so frigging union jack in corner did not help me with reciprocal arrangement with UK
I didnt know kiwi were birds. I figured we called newzaland people kiwis cuz of the fruit...those hairy green things...
So when i read some wanted dog balls(what we cal l on their flag . I Was tickled...thinking damn a flag with dog balls on it..( shakes head) thats crazy why oh why...
Now i understsnd..
I didnt know kiwi were birds. I figured we called newzaland people kiwis cuz of the fruit...those hairy green things...
So when i read some wanted dog balls(what we cal l on their flag . I Was tickled...thinking damn a flag with dog balls on it..( shakes head) thats crazy why oh why...
Now i understsnd..

I go for the Maori people to hopefully they can vote for their own flag. There were two different flags by designers. First one is Aotearoa which three different color like blue, white and red, almost like the four directions in Native culture. But it is their traditions.

Next one is Tino Rangatiratanga which has the design of the Maori tattoos representing their native lands and surrounding waters.

I don't know why white people have to destroyed their Maori people to get what they want just like United States. No wonder we, Native Americans, are not the only ones. Maori had suffered a lot just like the bushmen in Australia. :(