New experience with IRS (relay) calls at Canada...


New Member
Aug 7, 2005
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Hello folks,

A week ago, I went to Canada for my vacation. I have my Sprint 8703e blackberry and was surprised to notice that it still has excellent cellular coverage (Bell Canada). I was able access Internet without any problems.

With my laptop at Canadian hotel, I tried to make relay call ( but kept got disconnected after attempted to connect each time. I now recognized that IRS (Internet Relay Service) do not accept relay calls from Canada - USA only.

Then I tried to make same relay calls with my Sprint 8703e blackberry and was able make it through while I was in Canada. Hmmm. Does anyone have any experience with that when you visited Canada with your cellphone?

IRS filters out non-USA IP based callers. Internet via cellular work differently, wireless carriers get special block specify for wireless only regardless if it is Home or Roaming. If you have MIP service (Mobile IP) which your phone's IP remains same when you roam into other carrier (MIP is great to hand off data call between different carriers without dropping data calls).. That would explains why relay center think you are calling from USA.

Hope this make sense.
Hello folks,

A week ago, I went to Canada for my vacation. I have my Sprint 8703e blackberry and was surprised to notice that it still has excellent cellular coverage (Bell Canada). I was able access Internet without any problems.

With my laptop at Canadian hotel, I tried to make relay call ( but kept got disconnected after attempted to connect each time. I now recognized that IRS (Internet Relay Service) do not accept relay calls from Canada - USA only.

Then I tried to make same relay calls with my Sprint 8703e blackberry and was able make it through while I was in Canada. Hmmm. Does anyone have any experience with that when you visited Canada with your cellphone?


It is correct that they block any IP calls from Canada. I think they started doing it a few years ago when they noticed some IP calls which came from Canada by tracking their IP addresses.