New Audiologist and New HA's


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2005
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I will be getting a new hearing aid very soon! I saw a new audiologist today and I think she's not quite used to seeing people as "deaf" as I am. She wanted to take time to review my results before recommending the right aid for me, so I don't know what that'll be yet. But I was a little annoyed -- she asked all kinds of questions as to how my speech can be as good as it is, etc. and I told her I had worked with speech therapists and was in mainstreamed school programs, and went to college. She was gushing about how "wonderful that was that I was able to accomplish all that" - but her well-meaning attitude did make me feel like a true "deaf and dumb". I knew she wasn't trying to imply that but it was how I felt. I just kept my mouth shut - didn't want to start an argument. Just want to get my new HA's !!! :)
I will be getting a new hearing aid very soon! I saw a new audiologist today and I think she's not quite used to seeing people as "deaf" as I am. She wanted to take time to review my results before recommending the right aid for me, so I don't know what that'll be yet. But I was a little annoyed -- she asked all kinds of questions as to how my speech can be as good as it is, etc. and I told her I had worked with speech therapists and was in mainstreamed school programs, and went to college. She was gushing about how "wonderful that was that I was able to accomplish all that" - but her well-meaning attitude did make me feel like a true "deaf and dumb". I knew she wasn't trying to imply that but it was how I felt. I just kept my mouth shut - didn't want to start an argument. Just want to get my new HA's !!! :)

Congratulations about your hearing aids!

Sympathy about your audiologist.

Maybe the aids will be so good they will make up for it.
Oh doofus audis/ people aren't that bad. I once had a audi who was SO fucking RUDE. Like I have an obvious history of hearing loss. She kept asking me if I'd ever seen a speech pathologist, and if my teachers knew about my hearing loss. WTF? I've had an IEP since I was THREE!
Oh, and are you going to get colored aids?
LOL, I know the feeling. Sometimes they would say, "So, you only need one because you're hearing in your other ear?" I'm like...NO...duh.

And yes, they would tell me the same thing, "You speak SO well for a total deaf person."

Which is why I just prefer to find audiologists that are USED to Deaf people...
LOL, LadySekhmet... I had that problem finding speech therapists when I was younger - we'd find a therapist and she'd be like ... why are you seeing me? We went through a couple like that before we found one to stick with who was used to seeing kids who wanted to improve beyond "good enough" and work on maintenance.

I know audies are different, but I count myself lucky I've had the same audie since I was implanted - prior to that, I saw probably 20 or 30 of them, for various reasons in various locations, so I don't remember much about them... probably just as well, really!
I have found in my experience that most audiologists seem to be more "clinical" -- focusing on us as clients who need audiograms or hearing aids that they don't think about how we are as people, if that makes sense.

I haven't seen an audiologist in MANY years and I've moved since the last time I went, so that is why I saw a new one yesterday. At the very least she was making an effort to be nice -- I think she just didn't realize how she was coming across.

Don't know about the colored aids .. probably not! LOL We'll see ..

WPG - I know just what you mean about "good enough". I think I was lucky to have IEP teachers and speech therapists that worked hard with me. It paid off.
:rockon:Congrats on new HAs. I wanna say, 'let the programming begin!' only because it usually takes me 6 mths to get them adjusted to where I want them to be. I am very picky. I would be upfront w/ the audi if that is the person who is going to be doing your adjustments.
When I first met with my current audiologist I hated her. I thought she was patronizing and treated me like I knew absolutly nothing. Now after working with her for 4 months (and seeing her on at least a weekly basis) I don't think that at all. I am not her typical patient and she has realised that now. She takes time to explain what I want explained and always makes sure I know everything that is going on. She knows I do my research and she knows I know what is going on. She has learnt with me when it comes to a lot of things. She has had to learn a lot of things because of me. I have a good working relationship with her and I think we understand each other well. I don't mind being honest with her either and she knows that. She is the same way with me too. It just works. I know she is a rare find!...having said that she is away for two weeks and my left hearing aid committed suicide. I am seeing a new audiologist that is with her company on Friday...Hopefull she can fix the aid and all goes well...
Which is why I just prefer to find audiologists that are USED to Deaf people...

I have a good audie because she always takes the time to explain and answer my questions as well give me what I requested without batting an eyelash. :)

Where this audie works is good for deaf people and kids because they pretty much know how to deal with us.
Yes, questions like those can be a bit annoying. I've had people ask me similar questions.

I guess it's cuz they never knew these things were possible. :dunno:
UPDATE: She recommended the Starkey Davinci HAs. I had Starkey in the past and was happy with it. No idea about the Davinci model though. I will find out more from her when I see her. But I took a quick look online and it sounds great - lots of power for my level of hearing loss. Anyone have this kind?