I think Isreal has learned from the past of its people and will never wait again and watch its people suffer or be subject to termination from anyone. She has a right to protect her people just like any others. My opinion is Isreal has a plan in place to take care of things as they deem fit. We should not be shocked when they do decide to act.
Think about it living in a country where everyday you are under the thread of attack from a missile or terrorist. Think about a huge religious population full of fanatics whose sole purpose in life is to anihalate all that appose through any means necessary. As they get closer and closer to the ultimate weapon, one so powerfull it will shake the very foundation of humanity itself if used.
The only reason Isreal is still there is because of her edge-technology and nuclear weapons. If she loses that edge she will lose her fight for survival. no one not even the civlized world can prevent that unless the aggressors are taken care of first.
Isreal is not the only one at risk here. The Vatican is in much more danger of being overrun as ISIS is now at Italys doorstep. The pope has been threatened-ISIS flags are flying in shores just accross from her. Irreguardless of what you think, this is turning out to be a religios holy war though so far only one religion knows that and they just happen to be the aggressors. 21 Christians murdered with many more kidnapped.
These are things we know-its what we dont know that makes me nervous.