

New Member
Apr 30, 2013
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hello what is the ASL that everyone is talking about. I am a 41 year old female with major hearing loss in my left and has some hearing lost in the right. I cannot afford hearing aid and have never had one. I have been suffering with this since childhood I don't really talk too much about my hearing lost to many people except my spouse. I sometimes feel very embarass to discuss, because i am not sure how; this is why I found this website to see how others like myself usually discuss and deal with hearing lost.
hello what is the ASL that everyone is talking about. I am a 41 year old female with major hearing loss in my left and has some hearing lost in the right. I cannot afford hearing aid and have never had one. I have been suffering with this since childhood I don't really talk too much about my hearing lost to many people except my spouse. I sometimes feel very embarass to discuss, because i am not sure how; this is why I found this website to see how others like myself usually discuss and deal with hearing lost.

Have you tried CARE Credit? It is a great way to get hearing aids without paying for them upfront. There are also state funds that you can look into that may pay for them in full to keep you employed.

Where are you located?
I am located in GA and yes I have tried care credit and was denied. thank you for your reply pitbulldaddy.
That is because you need an audiologist in order to have hearing aid. Without the audiologist, you are not qualified to have hearing aid. Which mean you need your audiogram (a chart or a graph that tell you how much hearing loss you have lost) and need to know how much hearing loss you have lost in either of your ears.

I think you need to go to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation so that you can get some help on how to get hearing aid. They will probably fund (meaning to be able to pay for your hearing test and hearing aids) you and give you the direction where to go for hearing test and then hearing aids to try on. You need those audiogram to prove that you have hearing loss whether you have mild or moderate or severe or profound hearing loss. I do hope you can find what you are looking for.

As for ASL (American Sign Language), it is much better to use ASL to that you can visually see the words in the signs. Lipreading is not accurate when you try to read lips on people. If you can not hear the sounds of the voice well, then you get lost on what they said. All you need to have them write down on papers for you to read so that you can understand what they are saying. ASL is much better with hand signs to make communication with other people like in the Deaf community. We are comfortable signing better than lipreading. ASL rocks. So if you want to learn how to sign in ASL, then you need to find a ASL class at night time probably at the community college or some place where they have ASL classes. Look around and call or go to the Georgia Hearing Society. Good luck. Don't be afraid to ask any questions you need to know. See you around here. :wave:
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ASL ( American Sign Language) is a separate language from English used by the Deaf community. I am fluent in it..without it, I would be lost.
hello what is the ASL that everyone is talking about. I am a 41 year old female with major hearing loss in my left and has some hearing lost in the right. I cannot afford hearing aid and have never had one. I have been suffering with this since childhood I don't really talk too much about my hearing lost to many people except my spouse. I sometimes feel very embarass to discuss, because i am not sure how; this is why I found this website to see how others like myself usually discuss and deal with hearing lost.

Don't be embarrassed about your hearing loss. We all aren't and we let people know it. The more people know about it, the more comfortable you will be. People are nice about it when they find out and they do accommodate you by making sure they are facing you when they talk to you and speak clearer.

When I meet people or go to appointments, services, I tell them right away that I am deaf so that way the conversation gets better from that point on. When they are aware of it, they try harder to communicate with you and they understand me better as well.

Be proud of yourself, live happily and freely.
Hello Needhearing,
First of all. Welcome to AllDeaf. Obviously you are losing your
Hearing and the fear of going totally DEAF later scares you.
I saw on the same link you posted on this forum asking questions
and Bottesini was trying to HELP you by asking.
You replied and offend him/her as ” rude” . Afterall he/she was simply
wants to advice you. I hope you find Bebonangs Advice handly.
So Goodluck in finding what EXACTLY you NEED.
Take Care. Peace.