Need Help!


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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I really need help with this essay i have to write for my fam. studies class.

My topic/research question is the challenges of raising a deaf/hard of hearing child.
My fist parapgragh was going to be on diff options for trying to cope/ hearing aids, cochlear implants, lip reading, sign language, early intervention etc.

my second paragraph was going to be some problems that could arise in the family like guilt, shame, and anger towards dealing and trying to accept that your child has a disability.

my third was going to be School issues and accomodations for the child...

Im not really sure where to start not very good at writing essays so if you guys could help out than i would really appreciate it! please n thanks!:fingersx:
no one can help me?!?!:ugh:

Help you with what? You just outlined your entire essay. It sounds like you already know everything that youre going to write. Could you be more specific with what you want help with?
I was thinking the same thing. It seems that she has everything needed. Unless of course she has questions, then ask away. I am a dad of a deaf daughter and will be willing to help in any way possible. The more info that we put out there for all to hear, the better. Ask away.