My youngest son is 4 years old, his mild to moderate hearing loss and he wears his HA most of the day during the week but it's a challage to keep them in on the weekends.
On weekdays we get up at 6:30am to get ready for school. He is in School with hearing children, no deaf or HOH children till 3:30. Except on Therapy days when he has therapy from 2:30-4:00. We have dinner at 5, bath time at 7:30 and bedtime at 8:00. I'm not sure what midstream is exactly.
Problems examples: When it's time to pick up he refuses to do so, bed times are the worst. the other two go to bed just fine, Chris seems to think that's the play time and throwing toys at his other brothers. He doesn't do what he is told to do. I know all kids has these problems but his is extreme. I try to say and sign no don't do that, or pick up or time to eat or don't throw the dog down the stairs. but he just isn't getting it.