National news of officer killed lost in "matthew" news?

Jane B.

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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From the time this first showed up on the local St. Louis TV stations I wondered about it being picked up nationally. Between it not being a racist incident and when "Matthew" came through it seems to have gotten lost as national news. The report of a similar shooting of two officers in CA later makes me think even more that was the case.

The link above is just the earliest report on KMOV TV's site. There are a number of others including from the visitation being held today (Oct. 12, 2016).

Did any of you to whom St. Louis is not local see anything about this?
No, I don't believe I did see it.

I looked up the story also on CNN and FoxNews, so they did carry it.

My condolences to your community for the loss of a good man and police officer. He was only 33 years old and left behind a wife and young child. That is truly sad. :(
No, I don't believe I did see it.

I looked up the story also on CNN and FoxNews, so they did carry it.

My condolences to your community for the loss of a good man and police officer. He was only 33 years old and left behind a wife and young child. That is truly sad. :(

Yes, the death of police officers are extremely difficult to their families. :(
No, I don't believe I did see it.

I looked up the story also on CNN and FoxNews, so they did carry it.

My condolences to your community for the loss of a good man and police officer. He was only 33 years old and left behind a wife and young child. That is truly sad. :(

I get my TV OTA via an outdoor antenna so would not have seen those that are on cable or satellite.