Naida UP with Power Slim Tubes??


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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Ive just found out abut Power Slim Tubes for the Naida UP.

Would they work with my hearing loss - Worse at 120db (low) and best at 90db (high).

I hate the ear hooks as it leaves me with red marks at the end of each day.

Would I have to have them with a ear moulds or can I get away with that as well?
From looking at the naida site you have too much loss for those slim tubes, next time you get new tubes in your molds leave a little extra tubing as it might be a tiny bit too short causing those red marks
From looking at the naida site you have too much loss for those slim tubes, next time you get new tubes in your molds leave a little extra tubing as it might be a tiny bit too short causing those red marks

yeah that's what I'm saying.