My Room


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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I was going through my old video files and came across one short clip of me browsing my room. I decided to put it into one big picture and here's what I made. What do you guys think? Pretty much, eh? Recognize anything in the room?


  • my_room_01.jpg
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MizzDeaf said:
Fuzzy to me
Of course, it's a bit fuzzy. I did it quickly with a low-quality webcam. It was only a 5-second AVI video clip that I made. Every frame was used except for one near the beginning due to color distortions and the last two since they were exact repeats of the 3rd from last frame.
ohh very 258!! yea i agree with Angel!!!!! do u have Cheri's pic nude???? *evil laugh* :mrgreen:
Errr...I see a lava lamp... :) Computer, of course. Looks a bit disheveled, Vamp, looks like you'd better clean up...LOL.
Malfy, I second tha.... Vampy needs dial 011 call for help cleaning!!! would be great for Cheri might be very happy help and clean his room! ((chuckles)) :laugh2:
Malfoyish said:
Errr...I see a lava lamp... :) Computer, of course. Looks a bit disheveled, Vamp, looks like you'd better clean up...LOL.
Good observation. The computer is actually leveled properly, it just looks that way since I looked at it from a perspective. If you look carefully, you'll notice that my closet (on the far right) and my dresser (on the far left) are distorted perspectively. That's because those two are corners. The closer to the center I am, the more leveled it looks. As for the lava lamp, I do have a lava lamp... but it's not in the image. It was packed away at that time. What you're probably referring to is a stack of blue plastic cups I have on my desk. When it's blurred, it does sorta look like a lava lamp. Good observation though! :thumb: Any other observations?

BTW, yep... I really need to get that room clean! It actually took me three days to clean that whole room out! :eek:
Malfoyish said:
Errr...I see a lava lamp... :) Computer, of course. Looks a bit disheveled, Vamp, looks like you'd better clean up...LOL.

As if YOU have a right to call someone on their lack of cleaning, Malfy! I seem to recall a certain someone who specifically told ME she didn't like going into HER OWN room! LOL When I asked her WHY, she indicated it was because it was worst looking room in the HOUSE! :eek2:

Isn't this true, Malfy? LOL
*ahem* since u mention Computer, Lamp and Desk... I am wondering where did u put my post cards I send you? :D

And Mind taking a shot of ur Drawers too? I meant the Inside! :wiggle:
Cheri said:
*ahem* since u mention Computer, Lamp and Desk... I am wondering where did u put my post cards I send you? :D

And Mind taking a shot of ur Drawers too? I meant the Inside! :wiggle:
:lol: This was made before I ever got post cards from you. Secondly, this was taken when I was living in my dorm room so I'm in a different room now. Sorry! ;)

Can u make a new one for ur new room? :D
Cheri said:

Can u make a new one for ur new room? :D
I could try, but I doubt it since I don't have my camera hooked up. :(
Holy shit, VamPyrox lives in wormhole!

I hope you didn't spill your organs out in... that :D

Edit: Oh yes, there is one thing that I recognized! That fuzzled white cap with shadow thingy-thingy stands.. that is a ghost, just like in "Three Men and a Baby" movie! Call for Ghostbuster immediately!

(actually it is a floor lamp)
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*Singing....Who are you gotta to call? Ghostbusters*.... :giggle:

Good one Magatsu! :cheers:
Your room is fucking cool and awesome!! I think u live in the dorm or apt. Is that room dorm??? ;)