My new birthday rides


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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First off, thank to all of you who wished me happy birthday to me today. It was very much appreciated seeing how many people care about me. :)

Now, I've decided to go for a resolution now that I'm 36 and not 35. I've decided that I would like to go on a 30 minute bike ride every day. The challenge is that I have to use a different bike every day. I cannot use the same bike twice. I would like to do that every day from today to November 30.

Today's choice of bike was a white 5 speed Raleigh Sprite women bike. Under my rule, I cannot use a white 5 speed Sprite women bike again since it was used today. Even if I got another white 5 speed Sprite, it's out.

However, I can use a white 5 speed Raleigh SPrite men bike. If I happens to get a white 10 speed Sprite women bike, that can be used because it's a bit different than the 5 speed.

I want to keep a sort of journal with listing of bikes that I rode every day so that I don't use the same bike again. I'm not sure the best way to keep a journal. I was thinking of getting a journal and writing in it every day on type of bike I rode. Maybe write down what I saw or what I did on my ride. Maybe write why I picked this bike that particular day. I may share on Facebook or Google Plus, but that would bore people who are not into bikes.

I thought of this because that would force me to work on some bikes that needs repair and also I will need to get different bikes to ride every day. Therefore, I will have to sell a lot so I can have money to buy different bike to keep up with my resolution.

Maybe that would get people interested in my odyssey and they would want to buy from me. Then they would be curious what I pick to ride the next day.

Any ideas and/or feedbacks would be welcomed.
Get a little basket for your kitties and ferrets to ride in to keep you company.
Have your bike sales as a separate Facebook page that bike enthusiasts can subscribe to.
They will be interested of you document each days bike with pictures.
Also give history on the bike make and model.
About 214 bicycles plus one from today. :D

It will be very interesting odyssey. Invites your furry friends along for ride.

Bottesini has good set up a page on Facebook or Google for those who are into bike or wanted to buy one from you.
Happy Birthday!!!!!! That's a great goal to have! :) Good luck!
Very ambitious endeavor. Awesome resolution!!! You can do it!!! Definitely take lots of pictures and keep talking about what you are doing on your blog/facebook/whatever you are using to generate bike sales. Keep people interested on what you are doing and they will keep checking back on you and your progress. If it is raining, get a picture of you drenched; showing you are going to do this no matter what. Plus as someone already suggested, Kitties in a basket are impossible to ignore.
Happy Birthday Derek!!! Great way to sell bikes and get some exercise. Sounds like a great idea,
It's your birthday?? Happy Birthday!!! And many happy bike rides to you :D
Happy Birthday and what an interesting challenge you have set up for yourself :). I think Bottesini made a great suggestion you should follow up on.

When I read the title of this thread, I thought you were giving bike rides to people as your new business, like them sitting on the handlebars!
I'm on Day 4 so far. I appreciate all the encouragements and feedbacks. Keep them coming :).