My name is...


New Member
Dec 4, 2012
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I figured I'd start this off how I would normally. My name is Chloe. My name sign is the letter C tapped against the palm of the other hand. It means that I like to read. It was given to me by a girl I knew vaguely in my DHH resource class and it stuck.

I have been mainstreamed my whole life, though for a year or two I was an honorary member of DHH program (not official, still took mainstream classes). I am currently attending community college - hoping to graduate this summer.

I am HoH and can't sign very well. I act like a hearie even though I have severe hearing loss.

And I have two guinea pigs that are my sweethearts and I love to play the Sims 3. :D

So hi, I"m Chloe!
Hi Chloe! Would you transfer to Gally or CSUN for the Deaf experience? are you interested in something like that? I am still kicking myself for not having gone to Gally or a strong deaf school. Always been the ONLY dhh kid.
hi chloe i had guinea pig once he was littlle sweeti then rescue rabbit who died short time back he big sweetie i called him bunny boy.
sound like you doing well at school but good to know asl
Hello Princess Chloe,
Welcome to AllDeaf. Glad you found the site.
Good luck in your Studies and ASL. Cheers.